I need a queue with a fixed size. When I add an element and the queue is full, it should automatically remove the oldest element.
Is there an existing implementation for this in Java?
There is no existing implementation in the Java Language and Runtime. All Queues extend AbstractQueue, and its doc clearly states that adding an element to a full queue always ends with an exception. It would be best ( and quite simple ) to wrap a Queue into a class of your own for having the functionality you need.
再一次,因为所有队列都是AbstractQueue的子代,所以只需将它作为内部数据类型使用,您应该在几乎没有时间运行灵活的实现: - )
Once again, because all queues are children of AbstractQueue, simply use that as your internal data type and you should have a flexible implementation running in virtually no time :-)
如下所述,有两个开放的实现可用(这个答案很老了,大家好! )有关详细信息,请参阅。
As outlined below, there are two open implementations available (this answer is quite old, folks!), see this answer for details.