

我在尝试找到一个简单的解决方案,不使用JS 来处理下面的问题。

I'm trying to find a simple solution to the following problem without using JS.

<div class="wrap">
  <div class="mpu"></div>
  <img src="img-src">

我有一个容器div,类名为 .wrap 填充文本。在这里,我有一个300像素的方形div与类的 .mpu 将显示广告。广告单元出现在文本段落之间,并应用了以下样式:

I have a container div with a class of .wrap that is filled with text. Inside this, I have a 300px square div with a class of .mpu that will display adverts. The ad unit appears between paragraphs of text and has the following style applied:

  display: inline-block;
  float: right;
  width: 300px;
  height: 300px;
  margin: 1em -2em 1em 1em;


I also have a standard snippet in place for forcing images to resize with the viewport under a certain width:

  max-width: 100%;
  height: auto!important;

因此 .mpu 广告单元向右浮动,但也从 .wrap 容器的右侧边缘伸出2em,因为负数 margin-right 。容器中的文本会整齐地围绕广告块,但是,当在广告代码块旁边插入图片代码时,会在图片下方显示一个空格。

So the .mpu ad unit is floated to the right but also sticks out 2em from the right-hand edge of the .wrap container because of the negative margin-right. The text inside the container flows neatly around the ad block, however, when an image tag is inserted beside the ad block, a white space is created as the image appears underneath it.

是否可能强制图像以文本相同的方式在浮动元素周围流动?我知道,广告单元有一个浮动应用,因此已从文档流中删除,所以图像设置为其父元素的宽度的100%即 .wrap 的宽度。是否有解决方法或语法… a hack to override this behavior?

Is it possible to force images to flow around floated elements in the same way that text does? I'm aware that the ad unit has a float applied and has therefore been removed from the document flow so the image is being set to 100% of it's parent element's width i.e. .wrap's width. Is there a workaround or ahem… a hack to override this behaviour?


Please refer to the following fiddle for a working demo: https://jsfiddle.net/7z0yypw1/



I think what you are trying to do is this: https://jsfiddle.net/7z0yypw1/6/


Wrap your img in a wrapper element, and give it a class imageWrapper. Then apply

.imageWrapper {


08-04 01:27