#include < iostream >
#include < string >
#include < fstream >
#include < ; 例外 >
#include < stdexcept >
使用 namespace std;
// 学习结构
struct 学生{
int 年龄;
string sex,name,f_name,l_name,matricno,religion,bloodgroup;
// 查看文件中记录的函数。
Student readfunc( ){
fstream things( studentData.txt,ios :: 在 | ios :: out | ios :: app);
cout<< 输入matric number<< endl ;
cin>> dummystud.matricno;
cout<< 输入年龄<< endl;
cin>> dummystud.age;
cout<< 输入名字<< endl ;
cin>> dummystud.f_name;
cout<< 输入姓氏<< endl ;
cin>> dummystud.l_name;
cout<< 输入性别<< endl ;
cin>> dummystud.sex;
if (dummystud.sex!= M || dummystud.sex!= F){
throw runtime_error( 出了问题 );
cout<< 什么是宗教<< ENDL;
cin>> dummystud.religion;
cout<< 输入血型<< endl;
cin>> dummystud.religion;
return dummystud;
int main()
int n;
cout<< 输入学生人数<< endl;
cin>> n;
int i;
for (i = 0 ; i< n; i ++){
cout<< 输入学生的<<(i + 1)< ;< 以下详细信息\ n \ n<< endl;
student [i] = readfunc();
return 0 ;
Hey so I am writing a program on structs and it uses user input for fields like age, sex etc and i was wondering how i would be able to output all the names in the string
What I have tried:
#include <iostream> #include <string> #include <fstream> #include <exception> #include <stdexcept> using namespace std; // learning structs struct Student{ int age; string sex,name,f_name,l_name,matricno,religion,bloodgroup; }; // function to view a record in a file. Student readfunc(){ fstream things("studentData.txt", ios::in | ios::out | ios::app); Student dummystud; cout<<"Enter matric number"<<endl; cin>> dummystud.matricno; cout<<"Enter age"<<endl; cin>> dummystud.age; cout<<"Enter first name"<<endl; cin>>dummystud.f_name; cout<<"Enter last name"<<endl; cin>>dummystud.l_name; cout<<"Enter the sex"<<endl; cin>>dummystud.sex; if (dummystud.sex!="M" || dummystud.sex!="F"){ throw runtime_error("Something went wrong"); } cout<<"What is the religion"<<endl; cin>>dummystud.religion; cout<<"Enter the blood group"<<endl; cin>>dummystud.religion; return dummystud; } int main() { int n; cout<<"ENTER THE NUMBER OF STUDENTS"<<endl; cin>>n; Student student[n]; int i; for(i=0; i <n; i++){ cout<<"Enter Student's "<<(i+1)<<"details below\n\n"<<endl; student[i]=readfunc(); } return 0; }