本文介绍了如何在DC /交叉滤波器维度中过滤多个值?的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着小编来一起学习吧!



Let me say that I have this data and dimension:

var data = [
      {"fruit": "apple", "amount": "12"},
      {"fruit": "orange", "amount": "6"},
      {"fruit": "grape", "amount": "11"},
      {"fruit": "melon", "amount": "26"},
      {"fruit": "lemon", "amount": "15"}

var ndx = crossfilter(data);
var fruitDimension = ndx.dimension(function (d) {
                            return d.fruit;

...现在,我只想过滤苹果,柠檬和橙色 ,只需使用代码即可。现在,我正在尝试做类似的事情。

...and now, I want to filter just "apple","lemon" and "orange" just by using code. By now, I am trying to do something like.



...but it does not work it all.

  • 我知道函数# dimension.filterExact(value)适用于一个值。

  • 如果我应用# dimension.filter(value),则将向量作为参数进行处理与它作为#Dimension.filterRange(范围)

  • If I apply # dimension.filter(value) passing a vector as parameter, it deals with it as # dimension.filterRange(range)


I could not find which filter works for different values.



Someone has a hint about what I could be doing in order to filter different elements (that do not follow a range order) of a dimension?


Thanks in advance, Roger


交叉过滤器为此需要一个自定义过滤器功能。 dc.js提供了一个。

Crossfilter requires a custom filter function for this. dc.js supplies one.

如果您使用的是dc图表,您应该通过图表的 filter 函数应用该过滤器,该函数的语法和语义与交叉过滤器维度过滤器不同:

If you're using a dc chart you should apply the filter via the chart's filter function, which has different syntax and semantics from the crossfilter dimension filter:


请注意多套括号。对吗?我不知道它是如何演变的。此外,dc会切换每个值,因此,如果要替换过滤器,请使用 replaceFilter 代替 filter

Note the extra set of brackets. Weird right? I do not know how it evolved this way. Also, dc will toggle each value, so if you want to replace the filter, use replaceFilter instead of filter.


This is documented in the filterHandler function, which is where dc.js applies filters to crossfilter.

图表不直接知道交叉过滤器维度的变化:如果使用图表的 .filter()>然后图表将更新视觉选择。

The chart doesn't know about changes directly to the crossfilter dimension: if you use the chart's .filter() then the chart will update the visual selection.


If instead you want to apply a multivalue filter directly to a crossfilter dimension, here is a function that generates a filter function for an array of values:

function multivalue_filter(values) {
    return function(v) {
        return values.indexOf(v) !== -1;

这篇关于如何在DC /交叉滤波器维度中过滤多个值?的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持!

10-12 00:21