


I've been having success using this audio library, but now I'd like to increase the resolution of the microphone data that's read in, so that the FFT resolution, or frequency bin size goes down to 10Hz. To do that, I need a buffersize of 8820 instead of 512. Is the buffersize of the microphone and FFT windowing size separable? I can't see a way to separate it.


How do I set up the audio stream description, so that it can calculate the FFT with a larger window?


Any help would be much appreciated.



Thanks Jaket for suggestion. Buffer is the way to go and here is my working implementation of that same function now with adjustable FFT window:

    -(void)microphone:(EZMicrophone *)microphone
            hasAudioReceived:(float **)buffer
            withNumberOfChannels:(UInt32)numberOfChannels {


    [self.audioPlot updateBuffer:buffer[0] withBufferSize:bufferSize];

    // Decibel Calculation.
    float one       = 1.0;
    float meanVal   = 0.0;
    float tiny      = 0.1;
    vDSP_vsq(buffer[0], 1, buffer[0], 1, bufferSize);
    vDSP_meanv(buffer[0], 1, &meanVal, bufferSize);
    vDSP_vdbcon(&meanVal, 1, &one, &meanVal, 1, 1, 0);
    // Exponential moving average to dB level to only get continous sounds.
    float currentdb = 1.0 - (fabs(meanVal)/100);
    if (lastdbValue == INFINITY || lastdbValue == -INFINITY || isnan(lastdbValue)) {
        lastdbValue = 0.0;
    dbValue =   ((1.0 - tiny)*lastdbValue) + tiny*currentdb;
    lastdbValue = dbValue;
    // NSLog(@"dbval:  %f",dbValue);
    // Setup the FFT if it's not already setup
    int samplestoCopy = fmin(bufferSize, FFTLEN - _fftBufIndex);
    for ( size_t i = 0; i < samplestoCopy; i++ ) {
        _fftBuf[_fftBufIndex+i] = buffer[0][i];
    _fftBufIndex        += samplestoCopy;
   _samplesRemaining    -= samplestoCopy;
    if (_fftBufIndex == FFTLEN) {
        if( !_isFFTSetup ){
            [self createFFTWithBufferSize:FFTLEN withAudioData:_fftBuf];
            _isFFTSetup = YES;
        [self updateFFTWithBufferSize:FFTLEN withAudioData:_fftBuf];
        _fftBufIndex        = 0;
        _samplesRemaining   = FFTLEN;



10-28 08:08