我正在开发一款包含一名玩家和许多敌人的iPhone游戏。我使用OpenGL ES来显示游戏视觉效果。
I am developing an iPhone game which contains one player and many enemies. I use OpenGL ES to display the game visuals.
I am a little confused as to whether I should only use one thread or use multiple threads for moving and controlling the player and the enemies. What do you recommend for this basic game architecture?
我会在这个问题上与Max不同意并说你不应该完全忽略在您的应用程序中使用多线程。 OpenGL ES可以从后台线程中获取,但是您一次只能使用一个线程与OpenGL ES上下文进行通信。
I'm going to disagree with Max on this one and say that you shouldn't completely ignore using multithreading in your application. OpenGL ES can be drawn to from a background thread, but you can only communicate to an OpenGL ES context using a single thread at a time.
Apple有一整段标题在他们的iOS OpenGL ES编程指南中。在这里,他们描述了几种使用多线程提高OpenGL ES应用程序性能的方案。
Apple has an entire section entitled "Concurrency and OpenGL ES" in their OpenGL ES Programming Guide for iOS. In that, they describe several scenarios for improving performance of an OpenGL ES application using multithreading.
In general, it's recommended that you move time-consuming operations off of the main thread. The main thread handles the user interface of your application, and if you block that you will prevent standard UI elements from updating and touch events from registering. Depending on how much processing is being done behind the scenes for your game (physics, AI, etc.), you may need to move significant chunks of that to a background thread.
多线程不是一个简单的主题,但Apple通过Grand Central Dispatch使这一过程变得更加容易,因此我强烈建议您阅读,描述了在您的应用程序中实现多线程的这一技术和其他技术。另外,我在iOS开发课程中教授了多线程和GCD课程,其中的视频可以是。
Multithreading is not a simple topic, but Apple has made this a lot easier through Grand Central Dispatch, so I highly recommend reading their Concurrency Programming Guide which describes this and other techniques for achieving multithreading in your application. Additionally, I taught a class on multithreading and GCD as part of my course on iOS development, the video of which can be found on iTunes U.
As Apple rolls out multicore devices, taking advantage of multithreading and GCD now will greatly pay off for you in the future.
这篇关于我应该在我的OpenGL ES游戏中使用多个线程吗?的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持!