

有大量的C / C ++ GUI库,但很少有基于opengl是一个多平台图形库的想法。使用这个OpenGL在便携式应用程序中构建自己的最小GUI有什么大的缺点吗?

There are tons of GUI libraries for C/C++, but very few of them are based on the idea that opengl is a rather multiplatform graphics library. Is there any big disadvantage on using this OpenGL for building my own minimal GUI in a portable application?


Blender is doing that, and it seems that it works well for it.

编辑:我的问题的关键不在于使用外部库或使我自己。我主要关心的是使用opengl作为后端的库的使用。 ,CEGUI或Blender的GUI。

The point of my question is not about using an external library or making my own. My main concern is about the use of libraries that use opengl as backend. Agar, CEGUI or Blender's GUI for instance.



这是一个古怪的,一个大的物理实验我工作:因为一个OpenGL GUI绕过一些通常的图形抽象层,它可能会打败远程查看应用程序。

Here's an oddball one that bit a large physics experiment I worked on: because an OpenGL GUI bypasses some of the usual graphics abstraction layers, it may defeat remote viewing applications.


In the particular instance I'm thinking of we wanted to allow remote shift operations over VNC. Everything worked fine except for the one program (which we only needed about once per hour, but we really needed) that used an OpenGL interface. We had to delay until a remote version of the OpenGL interface could be prepared.


10-27 02:07