


Here it's discussed how to catch failing assert, e.g. you setup your fixture so that assert() fails and you see nice output. But what I need is the opposite. I want to test that assert() succeeds. But in case it fails I want to have nice output. At that point it just terminates when it snags on assert().

#define LIMIT 5

struct Obj {
    int getIndex(int index) {
        assert(index < LIMIT);
        // do stuff;

Obj obj;

TEST(Fails_whenOutOfRange) {
    ASSERT_DEATH(obj->getIndex(6), "");

TEST(Succeeds_whenInRange) {


Above is contrived example. I want second test not to terminate in case it fails, for example if I set LIMIT to 3. After all, ASSERT_DEATH suppresses somehow termination when assert() fails.



The following is just my opinion, but it seems for me that you are either testing a wrong thing, or using a wrong tool.

Assert(C assert())不用于验证输入,它用于捕获不可能的情况。例如,它将从发布代码中消失,因此您不能依赖它。

Assert (C assert()) is not for verifying input, it is for catching impossible situations. It will disappear from release code, for example, so you can't rely on it.


What you should test is your function specification rather than implementation. And you should decide, what is your specification for invalid input values:

  • 未定义的行为,因此 assert

  • Undefined behavior, so assert is fine, but you can't test it with unit-test, because undefined behavior is, well, undefined.

定义的行为。那么你应该是一致的,不管 NDEBUG 在场。在我看来,抛出异常是正确的事情,而不是调用 std :: abort ,这几乎是无用的用户(不能被拦截和正确处理)。

Defined behavior. Then you should be consistent regardless of NDEBUG presence. And throwing exception, in my opinion, is the right thing to do here, instead of calling std::abort, which is almost useless for user (can't be intercepted and processed properly).


10-11 19:49