



The following question is concerned only with how and what data is stored, and is no way shape or form concerned with converting data upon retrieval. As such, converting at SELECT to the desired time zone is not an appropriate answer.


When inserting a value into a timestamp with time zone field, it is retrieved (and thus presumably stored) with the timestamp converted to the local time zone of the database at the time it was inserted.

就是说,插入的时间戳记为 2012-01-01 00:00:00 + 00:00 检索为 2011-12-31 19:00:00-05 ,其中插入时数据库的本地时区为 -05 。在数据库位于 -04 的夏令时期间插入的时间戳记,将使用 -04 时间返回

That is so say, a timestamp inserted as 2012-01-01 00:00:00+00:00 is retrieved as 2011-12-31 19:00:00-05, where the local time zone of the database at the time of the insert was -05. Timestamps that were inserted during daylight savings time, when the database was at -04, are returned using the -04 time zone.

我想要的是所有时间戳在存储时都使用任意时区(因此可以检索所有时区,而无需任何其他工作,因为具有该时区)。也就是说,如果服务器绕地球运行,则所有时间都将是 +00:00 (任意时区),而不是 -12 :00 +12:00

What I want is for all timestamps to use an arbitrary time zone when stored (and thus all be retrieved without any additional work as having that time zone). That is to say, were the server orbiting the planet, all times would be at +00:00 (arbitrary time zone), instead of -12:00 to +12:00.


Can I insert into a timestamp with time zone column such that all timestamps are stored relative to an arbitrary time zone? If so, how?



When inserting a value into a timestamp with time zone field, it is being converted to the server's current time zone.

示例:如果我插入一个指定时区为 -1 的值,则检索该值将返回 -5 (服务器插入时所在的时区)。

Example: If I insert a value specifying a time zone of -1, retrieving it will give back the time at -5 (the time zone of the server at the time it was inserted).


Is it possible to specify that it should be stored using an arbitrary time zone?


Note: This question is not how to convert the returned time to another time zone, this is specific to how the time is stored.



如@Milen所述(并链接到):时间戳仅保存时间点(作为抽象值)。 未保存时区修饰符,它仅用于相对于 UTC timestamp >。

As @Milen already explained (and linked to the manual): a timestamp only saves a point in time (as abstract value). The time zone modifier is not saved, it only serves to adjust the timestamp relative to UTC.


-- DROP TABLE tbl;
CREATE TEMP TABLE tbl (id int, myts timestamptz, mytz interval);

 (1, now()                , EXTRACT (timezone from now()) * interval '1s')
,(2, '2012-01-01 00:00-05', interval '-5h')
,(3, '2012-01-01 00:00+04', interval '4h')
,(4, '2012-11-11 20:30+03', interval '3h');

      ,(myts AT TIME ZONE mytz)::text
       || CASE WHEN mytz > '0:0' THEN '+' ELSE '' END
       || to_char(mytz, 'FMHH24:mi') AS timestamp_at_origin
FROM tbl;


now()返回带有时区的时间戳 timestamptz

Run it locally to see. Pay special attention to the details of the AT TIME ZONE construct, and how I extract the time zone from the (local!) timestamp with time zone.
now() returns timestamp with time zone or timestamptz for short.

EXTRACT (timezone from now()) * interval '1s'

timestamp_at_origin 显示带有时区的时间戳记,如其来源。如果我了解您的问题,那么您正在寻找的是什么。


timestamp_at_origin displays the timestamp with time zone as seen at its origin. If I understood your question, then that is what you are looking for.
You could further improve formatting.


You may be interested in this related question which sheds some light on the ambiguities and pitfalls of time zones.


09-05 17:06