例如,在这里,我遇到了不透明令牌"作为在Angular 2中实现全局常量的解决方案:
I am running into 'opaque tokens' as a solution to implementing global constants in Angular 2, for example here: Define global constants in Angular 2
尽管阅读了 docs ,我似乎无法把握要点.
Despite reading the docs, I can't seem to grasp the point.
什么?首先是什么Angular2代币?我在Google上所获得的只是关于JSON Web令牌(它们在auth等角色中的作用)的答案,据我了解,但显然没有任何关系.
What? What's an Angular2 token to begin with? All I get on google are answers on JSON Web Tokens (their role in auth, etc, etc), which I understand, but are obviously not related in any way.
What's an Opaque Token? What is it used for?
P.S. More docs on opaque tokens as used to provide constants. They didn't help me very much, however.
In Angular4 OpaqueToken
is deprecated and will be replaced by InjectionToken
.InjectionToken allows to pass a generic type parameter.
export let APP_CONFIG = new InjectionToken<MyConfig>("app.config");
- https://blog. Thoughtram.io/angular/2016/05/23/opaque-tokens-in-angular-2.html
- https://angular.io/docs/ts/latest/api/core/index/OpaqueToken-class.html (不再存在;已重新路由到archive.org版本)
- https://blog.thoughtram.io/angular/2016/05/23/opaque-tokens-in-angular-2.html
- https://angular.io/docs/ts/latest/api/core/index/OpaqueToken-class.html (no longer live; rerouted to archive.org version)
What's an Opaque Token? What is it used for?
A token is a key for providers of Angulars dependency injection.Providers are registered with a key and components, directives, and service classes instantiated by DI get dependencies injected which are looked up by provider keys.
DI supports types, strings, OpaqueToken
and objects as keys.
export let APP_CONFIG = new OpaqueToken("app.config");
export let APP_CONFIG_2 = {};
providers: [
MyService, // type is key and value
{provide: MyService, useClass: MyFancyServiceImpl}, // type is key, `MyFancyServiceImpl` is the value (or rather the information how to create the value
{provide: 'myservice', useClass: MyService}, // key is a string
{provide: APP_CONFIG, useValue: {a: 'a', b: 'b'}} // key is an `OpaqueToken`
{provide: APP_CONFIG_2, useValue: {a: 'a', b: 'b'}} // key is an object
// one of these decorators needs to be added to make DI work
class MyComponent {
// DI looks up a provider registered with the key `MyService`
constructor(private myService: MyService) {}
// Same as before but explicit
constructor(@Inject(MyService) private myService: MyService) {}
// DI looks up a provider registered with the key 'myService'
constructor(@Inject('myservice') private myService: MyService) {}
// DI looks up a provider registered with the `OpaqueKey` `APP_CONFIG`
constructor(@Inject(APP_CONFIG) private myConfig: any) {}
// DI looks up a provider registered with the object `APP_CONFIG_2`
constructor(@Inject(APP_CONFIG_2) private myConfig: any) {}
The object key (APP_CONFIG_2
) and the OpaqueToken
) need to be the exact same instance. A different instance with the same content won't work. This makes it easy to look up where the key is declared and whether the provider and the injection target use the same key.
For a string it can be a different instance, this brings the risk, that the same string value is used in different modules and might cause conflicts or the wrong provider being injected.
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