

我有一个自定义的 asp.net mvc 类验证属性.我的问题是如何对其进行单元测试?测试类是否具有属性是一回事,但这实际上不会测试其中的逻辑.这就是我要测试的内容.

I have a custom asp.net mvc class validation attribute.My question is how can I unit test it?It would be one thing to test that the class has the attribute but this would not actually test that the logic inside it. This is what I want to test.

[EligabilityStudentDebtsAttribute(ErrorMessage = "You must answer yes or no to all questions")]
public class Eligability
    [BooleanRequiredToBeTrue(ErrorMessage = "You must agree to the statements listed")]
    public bool StatementAgree { get; set; }

    [Required(ErrorMessage = "Please choose an option")]
    public bool? Income { get; set; }

..... 为简洁起见已删除}

.....removed for brevity }

public class EligabilityStudentDebtsAttribute : ValidationAttribute
    // If AnyDebts is true then
    // StudentDebts must be true or false

    public override bool IsValid(object value)
        Eligability elig = (Eligability)value;
        bool ok = true;
        if (elig.AnyDebts == true)
            if (elig.StudentDebts == null)
                ok = false;
        return ok;



I have tried to write a test as follows but this does not work:

public void Eligability_model_StudentDebts_is_required_if_AnyDebts_is_true()

   // Arrange
   var eligability = new Eligability();
   var controller = new ApplicationController();

   // Act
   var actionResult = controller.Section2(eligability,null,string.Empty);

   // Assert
   Assert.IsInstanceOfType(actionResult, typeof(ViewResult));
   Assert.AreEqual(string.Empty, ((ViewResult)actionResult).ViewName);
   Assert.AreEqual(eligability, ((ViewResult)actionResult).ViewData.Model);

ModelStateDictionary 不包含此自定义属性的键.它只包含标准验证属性的属性.

The ModelStateDictionary does not contain the key for this custom attribute.It only contains the attributes for the standard validation attributes.



What is the best way to test these custom attributes?


你的属性 EligabilityStudentDebtsAttribute 只是一个标准类,和其他所有东西一样,只需对 IsValid() 方法.如果它工作正常,相信框架该属性工作正常.

Your attribute EligabilityStudentDebtsAttribute is just a standard class, like everything else, just unit test the IsValid() method. If it works OK, trust to Framework that attribute works OK.


public void AttibuteTest()
   // arrange
   var value = //.. value to test - new Eligability() ;
   var attrib = new EligabilityStudentDebtsAttribute();

   // act
   var result = attrib.IsValid(value);

   // assert
   Assert.That(result, Is.True)


08-03 20:11