我试图定义一个泛型类,它可以使用 Comparable 接口定义的任何数据类型。
错误消息是在java.lang.Comparable< Key>中的 compareTo(Key)不能在第22行应用于(java.lang.Comparable)
I am trying to define a generic class which can work with any data type with Comparable interface defined.
The error message is compareTo(Key) in java.lang.Comparable<Key> cannot be applied to (java.lang.Comparable) on line 22
class findLargestKElementsInTree<Key extends Comparable<Key>>{ TreeNode root; int count=1; public void insert(Key k) { this.insert(k,root,root); } private void insert(Key k, TreeNode node,TreeNode parent) { if(this.root==null) root=new TreeNode(k); if(node==null) { node=new TreeNode(k); if(parent != null) { if(k.compareTo(parent.data)<0) parent.left=node; else parent.right=node; } } else { if(node.data.compareTo(k)>0) insert(k,node.left,node); else if(node.data.compareTo(k)<0) insert(k,node.right,node); else return; } } public void printK(int k) { postOrderK(root,k); } /* * 42 * 40 * 20 25 * 10 * 5 * * * * */ public void postOrderK(TreeNode n,int k) { if(n==null) return; if(n.right!=null) postOrderK(n.right,k); if(count <= k) { System.out.println(count+" largest number "+n.data); count++; } postOrderK(n.left,k); } public class TreeNode<Key extends Comparable<Key>>{ Key data; TreeNode left; TreeNode right; TreeNode(Key d) { this.data=d; this.left=null; this.right=null; } } public static void main(String[] args) { findLargestKElementsInTree<Integer> tree=new findLargestKElementsInTree<Integer>(); tree.insert(20); tree.insert(40); tree.insert(10); tree.insert(5); tree.insert(42); tree.insert(25); tree.printK(7); } }
I have looked at other questions on stack overflow which seem to be helping out with similar problem, but the solution suggested is to have a generic class, I think I already have that.
Look at your method's signature:
private void insert(Key k, TreeNode node, TreeNode parent) {
您的节点和父参数具有原始 TreeNode 类型,但 TreeNode 是一个泛型类。
Your node and parent parameters have the raw TreeNode type, but TreeNode is a generic class. Fix it by parameterizing as appropriate:
private void insert(Key k, TreeNode<Key> node, TreeNode<Key> parent) {
root , left 和 right 实例变量。
这篇关于java.lang.Comparable中的compareTo(K)< K>不能应用于(java.lang.Comparable)的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持!