I have a script on a server that had php version 4. Now it is changed to php5 and the script does not function any more. I get this error:
致命错误:无法在URL database.php第88行中重新分配$ this
Fatal error: Cannot re-assign $this in URL database.php line 88
In the file is a class that has a function. Inside is the line 88:
$this = new $db( $serv, $user, $pass, $dbName );
What does the error mean and how can I change it?
是一个特殊的变量",始终引用当前函数正在其中执行的 object .属于 class 的内部函数;但是,您不允许在其他任何地方使用它,并且您永远都不能分配给它.解决方案就是简单地重命名变量.
is a special "variable" that always refers to the object the current function is executing in. It only makes sense inside functions that belong to a class; however, you are not allowed to use it anywhere else, and you may never assign to it. The solution is simply to rename the variable.
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