

我有一个配置类 FooConfig,其中我有一个绑定类Foo".

I have a config class FooConfig, in which i have a bound class 'Foo'.

public class FooConfig {

  private Integer iterations;

  private Foo foo;

  // getter / setter


在我的类 Foo 中,当未在属性文件中明确设置时,我希望迭代变量集具有现有的默认配置值.

In my class Foo I want the iterations-variable set with an existing default configuration-value, when not explicitly set in the properties-file.

public class Foo {

  private String name;

  private Integer iterations;

  // getter / setter




# if this is set this config is bound (wins) in FooConfig-class as expected
# foo.iterations=111


FooConfig 中设置默认值有效,但在我绑定的类 Foo 中无效.

Setting a default value in FooConfig works, but not in my bound class Foo.



你不应该将 @Value@ConfigurationProperties 混合在同一个类中.如果您想在 @ConfigurationProperties 注释的类中有默认值,您可以使用默认值配置字段:

You shouldn't mix @Value and @ConfigurationProperties in the same class. If you want to have default values in a @ConfigurationProperties-annotated class, you can configure the fields with a default value:

public class FooConfig {

    private Integer iterations = 999;

    // getter / setter


此更改带来了额外的好处,即在 spring-boot-configuration-processor 生成的元数据中包含默认值.当您编辑 application.propertiesapplication.yaml 文件时,IDE 会使用元数据提供自动完成功能.

This change brings with it the added benefit of including the default value in the metadata that's generated by spring-boot-configuration-processor. The metadata is used by your IDE to provide auto-completion when you're editing application.properties and application.yaml files.

最后,与您的问题没有直接关系的是,@ConfigurationProperties 注释的类不应使用 @Configuration 进行注释.@Configuration 注释类用于通过 @Bean 方法配置 bean.您的 FooConfig 类应该使用 @Component 进行注释,或者您应该在 @Configuration@EnableConfigurationProperties(FooConfig.class)/code> 想要使用 FooConfig 的类.

Lastly, and not directly related to your problem, a @ConfigurationProperties-annotated class should not be annotated with @Configuration. An @Configuration-annotated class is used to configure beans via @Bean methods. Your FooConfig class should either be annotated with @Component or you should use @EnableConfigurationProperties(FooConfig.class) on the @Configuration class that wants to use FooConfig.


05-26 22:13