

我有两个矩阵,A(尺寸M x N)和B(N x P).实际上,它们是向量的集合-A中的行向量,B中的列向量.我想获得每对ab的余弦相似度得分,其中a是矩阵A的向量(行) b是来自矩阵B的向量(列).

I have two matrices, A (dimensions M x N) and B (N x P). In fact, they are collections of vectors - row vectors in A, column vectors in B. I want to get cosine similarity scores for every pair a and b, where a is a vector (row) from matrix A and b is a vector (column) from matrix B.

我首先将矩阵相乘,得到矩阵C(尺寸M x P).

I have started by multiplying the matrices, which results in matrix C (dimensions M x P).


However, to obtain cosine similarity scores, I need to divide each value C(i,j) by the norm of the two corresponding vectors. Could you suggest the easiest way to do this in Matlab?



The simplest solution would be computing the norms first using element-wise multiplication and summation along the desired dimensions:

normA = sqrt(sum(A .^ 2, 2));
normB = sqrt(sum(B .^ 2, 1));

normAnormB现在分别是列向量和行向量.要将A * B中的相应元素除以normAnormB,请使用 bsxfun 像这样:

normA and normB are now a column vector and row vector, respectively. To divide corresponding elements in A * B by normA and normB, use bsxfun like so:

C = bsxfun(@rdivide, bsxfun(@rdivide, A * B, normA), normB);


08-04 13:00