


How bad is it to redefine a class method from another, third-party module, in Python?


In fact, users can create NumPy matrices that contain numbers with uncertainty; ideally, I would like their code to run unmodified (compared to when the code manipulates float matrices); in particular, it would be great if the inverse of matrix m could still be obtained with m.I, despite the fact that m.I has to be calculated with my own code (the original I method does not work, in general).


How bad is it to redefine numpy.matrix.I? For one thing, it does tamper with third-party code, which I don't like, as it may not be robust (what if other modules do the same?…). Another problem is that the new numpy.matrix.I is a wrapper that involves a small overhead when the original numpy.matrix.I can actually be applied in order to obtain the inverse matrix.

子类化NumPy矩阵并仅更改其I方法更好吗?这将迫使用户更新其代码并使用m = matrix_with_uncert(…)创建具有不确定性的数字矩阵(而不是像浮点数矩阵那样继续使用numpy.matrix(…)),但这可能是不便之处,因此健壮性?矩阵求逆仍然可以使用m.I执行,这很好.另一方面,如果用户可以直接使用numpy.matrix()构建所有矩阵(浮点数或具有不确定性的数),而不必费心检查数据类型.

Is subclassing NumPy matrices and only changing their I method better? this would force users to update their code and create matrices of numbers with uncertainty with m = matrix_with_uncert(…) (instead of keeping using numpy.matrix(…), as for a matrix of floats), but maybe this is an inconvenience that should be accepted for the sake of robustness? Matrix inversions could still be performed with m.I, which is good… On the other hand, it would be nice if users could build all their matrices (of floats or of numbers with uncertainties) with numpy.matrix() directly, without having to bother checking for data types.


Any comment, or additional approach would be welcome!


与猴子补丁"(将更改的方法填充到现有的类或模块中)相比,子类化(确实涉及覆盖,正如通常使用的术语)通常更可取. ),即使后者可用(内置类型,即用C实现的类型也可以保护自己免受猴子补丁攻击,而且大多数都可以).

Subclassing (which does involve overriding, as the term is generally used) is generally much preferable to "monkey-patching" (stuffing altered methods into existing classes or modules), even when the latter is available (built-in types, meaning ones implemented in C, can protect themselves against monkey-patching, and most of them do).

例如,如果您的功能依赖于猴子修补程序,则在任何时候将您要进行猴子修补程序的类升级为用C实现(以提高速度或专门防御猴子修补程序),它将中断并停止升级. .第三方软件包的维护者讨厌猴子补丁,因为这意味着不幸的用户会收到虚假的错误报告,这些用户(他们不知道)实际上使用的是错误的猴子修补程序,该补丁会破坏第三方软件包,除非第三方软件包(除非破碎的猴子-明智的做法)是完美无缺的.您已经对可能的性能下降发表了评论.

For example, if your functionality relies on monkey-patching, it will break and stop upgrades if at any time the class you're monkey patching gets upgraded to be implemented in C (for speed or specifically to defend against monkey patching). Maintainers of third party packages hate monkey-patching because it means they get bogus bug reports from hapless users who (unbeknownst to them) are in fact using a buggy monkey-patch which breaks the third party package, where the latter (unless broken monkey-wise) is flawless. You've already remarked on the possible performance hit.


Conceptually, a "matrix of numbers with uncertainty" is a different concept from a "matrix of numbers". Subclassing expresses this cleanly, monkey-patching tries to hide it. That's really the root of what's wrong with monkey-patching in general: a covert channel operating through global, hidden means, without clarity and transparency. All the many practical problems descend in a sense from this root conceptual problem.


I strongly urge you to reject monkey-patching in favor of clean solutions such as subclassing.


11-01 03:25