I've spent the past few hours reading around in here and elsewhere, as well as experimenting, but I'm not really understanding what I am sure is a very basic concept: passing values (as variables) between different functions.
For example, I assign a whole bunch of values to a list in one function, then want to use that list in another function later:
list = []
def defineAList():
list = ['1','2','3']
print "For checking purposes: in defineAList, list is",list
return list
def useTheList(list):
print "For checking purposes: in useTheList, list is",list
def main():
Based on my understanding of what function arguments do, I would expect this to do as follows:
- 初始化名单'作为一个空列表;调用主(这一点,至少,我知道我有权利... ...)
- 在defineAList(),分配一定的值代入名单;然后通过新的列表返回到主()
- 在main()中,调用useTheList(名单)
- 由于'名单'包含在useTheList函数的参数,我会期望useTheList现在将使用由defineAList(定义列表),而不是调用main之前定义的空列表。
However, this is obviously a faulty understanding. My output is:
For checking purposes: in defineAList, list is ['1', '2', '3']
For checking purposes: in useTheList, list is []
所以,因为回报,显然没有做什么,我想这样做,或至少它不会做它,我觉得它应该的方式... ...这是什么实际上做?能否请你告诉我,用这个例子中,我会做采取从defineAList(列表),并用它在useTheList()?我倾向于更好地了解的东西,当我看到他们发生的事情,但是很多我见过的也用code正确的参数传递的例子,我不熟悉着呢,搞清楚的过程中发生了什么事对,我不是真的把这个概念的句柄。我使用的是2.7。
So, since "return" obviously does not do what I think it does, or at least it does not do it the way I think it should... what does it actually do? Could you please show me, using this example, what I would have to do to take the list from defineAList() and use it within useTheList()? I tend to understand things better when I see them happening, but a lot of the examples of proper argument-passing I've seen also use code I'm not familiar with yet, and in the process of figuring out what's going on, I'm not really getting a handle on this concept. I'm using 2.7.
ETA- in the past, asking a similar question, it was suggested that I use a global variable instead of just locals. If it will be relevant here also- for the purposes of the class I'm taking, we're not permitted to use globals.
This is what is actually happening:
global_list = []
def defineAList():
local_list = ['1','2','3']
print "For checking purposes: in defineAList, list is", local_list
return local_list
def useTheList(passed_list):
print "For checking purposes: in useTheList, list is", passed_list
def main():
# returned list is ignored
returned_list = defineAList()
# passed_list inside useTheList is set to global_list
def defineAList():
local_list = ['1','2','3']
print "For checking purposes: in defineAList, list is", local_list
return local_list
def useTheList(passed_list):
print "For checking purposes: in useTheList, list is", passed_list
def main():
# returned list is ignored
returned_list = defineAList()
# passed_list inside useTheList is set to what is returned from defineAList
您甚至可以跳过临时 returned_list
并直接将返回的值 useTheList
You can even skip the temporary returned_list
and pass the returned value directly to useTheList
def main():
# passed_list inside useTheList is set to what is returned from defineAList