本文介绍了Xcode 4.2:如何从子项目导入.h文件的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着小编来一起学习吧!


我是Xcode子项目的新手。在我的iPhone应用程序项目 MyProject 中,我试图将一些常用代码重构为名为 MyLibrary 的静态库项目。在我创建 MyLibrary 并移动代码后, MyProject 不再编译。错误是 MyProject 无法在 MyLibrary 中看到.h文件。

I am new to Xcode subprojects. In my iPhone app project MyProject, I am trying to refactor some common code to a static library project called MyLibrary. After I create MyLibrary and move the code, MyProject is no-longer compiling. The error is that the MyProject cannot see the .h files in MyLibrary.

错误 MyLibraryConfig.h:没有这样的文件或目录即将出现:

#import "MyLibraryConfig.h"

  • 如何在 MyProject 中导入 MyLibrary .h文件?

  • 这里的最佳做法是什么?假设我有多个这样的库,将这些库添加到父项目的标题搜索路径是很繁琐的。

    • How to import the MyLibrary .h files in MyProject ?
    • What is the best practice here? Assuming I have multiple such libraries, it is tedious to add these to header search paths to the parent project.
    • 推荐答案


      Maybe your header file is also in a subdirectory.


      Imagine the following directory setup:

      - Desktop
          - MyProject
              - MyProject.xcodeproj
              - main.m
              - MyLibrary
                  - MyLibrary.xcodeproj
                  - MyHeaderFile.h      <-- wanted header file

      如果 main.m 包含以下内容:

      #include "MyHeaderFile.h"
      int main() {
          return 0;

      编译器(gcc)会认为 MyHeaderFile.h main.m 位于同一目录中,包含它。要告诉编译器你的意思是子文件夹中的头文件,你可以做两件事。

      The compiler (gcc) will think that MyHeaderFile.h is located in the same directory as main.m, from which it is included. To tell the compiler you mean the header file in a subfolder, you have can do two things.

      • 你可以在gcc中添加一个目录编译器说:嘿,也看看那个文件夹。您可以使用 -iquote myFolder 标志来执行此操作。

      • 您可以在include语句中包含该目录: #includeMyLibrary / MyHeaderFile.h

      • You can add a directory to the gcc compiler that says: "hey, also look in that folder". You can do this by using the -iquote myFolder flag.
      • You can include the directory in the include-statement: #include "MyLibrary/MyHeaderFile.h"


      There could of course be another problem, but this seams like the most straightforward one.

      这篇关于Xcode 4.2:如何从子项目导入.h文件的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持!

08-24 15:29