


from dosql import *
import cgi
import simplejson as json

def index(req, userID):
    userID = cgi.escape(userID)

    get = doSql()
    rec = get.execqry("select get_progressrecord('" + userID + "');", False)

    return json.dumps(rec)


Notice that the variable rec, receives a query from the database, from this defined function I created in PostgreSQL:

create or replace function
    get_progressrecord(in int, out decimal(5,2), out decimal(5,2), out decimal(4,2), out text, out int, out decimal(4,2))
    returns setof record as

    select height, weight, bmi, healthStatus, age, changePercentage from progressrecord
    where userID = $1;
language 'sql';

现在,假设userID = 7,并且我的表在userID(7)处的值是:

Now, suppose that the userID = 7, and the value of my table at userID (7) is:


But when I try to get that record, I receive this:


然后(通过全面的分析)我发现这是人物名单.意义, [(300.00,30.00,3.33,体重不足,21,0.00)] 是LIST中的元组[0],并且(300.00,30.00,3.33,体重不足,21,0.00)是TUPLE中的元素[0].

To which I then found out (from thorough analysis), that this is a LIST OF TUPLES.Meaning,[(300.00,30.00,3.33,underweight,21,0.00)] is tuple[0] at the LIST, and(300.00,30.00,3.33,underweight,21,0.00) is element[0] at the TUPLE.


The problem is, that very (300.00,30.00,3.33,underweight,21,0.00) is recognized as ONE string or whatsoever, and it is deep down into the LIST of TUPLE. Is there other ways I could extract each element (cutting the string?) and place it into a proper list?

赞: [300.00,30.00,3.33,体重不足,21,0.00]

非常感谢. :)


SELECT get_progressrecord(ID)将返回类型为record的单个列.

SELECT get_progressrecord(ID) will return a single column of type record.

SELECT * FROM get_progressrecord(ID)将返回多个列(匹配您的out参数).

SELECT * FROM get_progressrecord(ID) will return multiple columns (matching your out params).

顺便说一句,您的输出字段没有名称这一事实可能会使您的函数难以使用.我发现更容易使用RETURNS SETOF RECORD的另一种语法:

As an aside, the fact that your output fields have no names might make your function a little difficult to work with. There's also an alternative syntax for RETURNS SETOF RECORD which I find easier:

CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION get_progressrecord(int)
    height decimal(5,2),
    weight decimal(5,2),
    bmi decimal(4,2),
    healthStatus text,
    age int,
    changePercentage decimal(4,2)
  ) AS


07-17 18:46