

我在 CakePHP 3.2 项目上工作。


当用户创建属性时,管理员必须验证其是否变为活动。 b $ b之后,我在当前日期+ 10天之内输入 date_of_expiration 字段...

when a user creates a property, the admin must validate it to become active..After that I put in field called date_of_expiration the current date + 10 days for example ...

我想要的是此属性在此日期(当前日期+ 10天)到期。.通过从更改名为 status 的字段有效变为无效

What I want is that this property expires in this date (current date + 10 day).. By changing a field called status from active to inactive..

我在Google中进行了搜索,发现我需要称之为 Sheduled Task strong> ..

I searched in Google and i found that what i nead called Sheduled Task..

我问如何在CakePHP 3.2中做到这一点的最佳方法

I ask about the best way to do this in CakePHP 3.2


  1. 以查找过期的属性并将其值更改为inac

  1. Create Shell with the function to find an expired property and change the value to inactive.
  2. Run Shell from CronJob every day at 00:00:00


05-29 00:45