I am thinking of making my UI to dynamically change to a more touch-friendly layout when the user switches "Tablet Mode" on, and switch back to our "desktop" layout if they turn Tablet Mode off.
这需要在JavaScript中(1)检测平板模式(2)检测的平板电脑模式的ON / OFF的变化。
That requires (1) detecting tablet mode in JavaScript (2) detecting the on/off change of tablet mode.
I prefer pure JavaScript and DOM (not jQuery, Modernizr etc).
原因:我们有一个高密度(台式机等)的用户界面,这是我们不能轻易只是改变。我想补充的间距更友好的触摸时平板模式。这是相同的Windows任务栏10图标增加之间微胖在平板模式时(presumably其他Windows 10应用程序将这样的行为?!)
Reason: We have a high density (desktop like) user interface, which we can't easily just change. I wish to add spacing to be more touch friendly when in "Tablet mode". This is the same as the Windows 10 taskbar adds extra padding between icons when in Tablet mode (presumably other Windows 10 apps will act this way?!)
I did some viewport research, as it looks like the zero width scrollbar is the trick for detecting Tablet Mode (or Metro). http://pastebin.com/ExPX7JgL
Tablet mode: scrollbar width is 0 in Edge.Not tablet mode: scrollbar width is not zero in Edge.
这里工作纯JavaScript code 。
Working pure JavaScript code here.
这篇关于你可以检测和QUOT;平板模式"在Edge和IE11在Windows 10使用JavaScript?的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持!