我是 workday soap api 的新手,我正在尝试弄清楚如何使用 SOAPUI 发送soap 请求以进行身份验证.任何建议,将不胜感激.
I'm a newbie to workday soap api and I'm trying to figure out how to send a soap request to authenticate using SOAPUI.Any suggestions, would be greatly appreciated.
Workday API 使用 WS-Security 进行身份验证.
Workday APIs use WS-Security for authentication.
请记住,工作日主机是多租户的.因此,您将使用 WSDL 端点连接到正确的服务器,用户名字段将包含您的用户名和该服务器上的租户.
Remember that the workday host is multi-tenant. So, you'll use the WSDL endpoint to connect to the correct server, and the user name field will contain both your user name and the tenant on that server.
SOAP Auth to Workday 的用户名格式:[用户名]@[租户名]
User name format for SOAP Auth to Workday:[user-name]@[tenant-name]
Your workday account will need to be in the Integration Developer's group, as well.
您可能需要调整除此之外的安全性和权限,以允许访问与 Web 服务相关的某些功能组和域.
You may need to adjust security and permissions beyond that to permit access to certain functional groups and domains which relate to the web service.
如果您使用的是 SoapUI,请执行以下操作:
If you're using SoapUI, do the following:
- 将 WSDL 导入到项目中.
- 在集成绑定"中,转到设置.
- 在服务端点"选项卡上,按照我上面的描述设置用户名.
- 将密码设置为您在租户中的密码.
- WSS-Type 应设置为 PasswordText.
Now, you can make a request.
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