

从产品的固有功能以及采用NLB(Windows 2003或更高版本的网络负载平衡)的角度来看,有什么好的文章/资源可以了解如何使用Biztalk配置负载平衡?

What are some good articles/ resources to understand how load balancing is configured with Biztalk --- both in terms of inherent abilities of the product as well as employing NLB (network load balancing with Windows 2003 or later editions)?


I am specifically interested in the impact of application protocol on load balancing? For example, how two instances of Biztalk server handle TCP/IP connections when the other party (to which Biztalk makes a connection request) doesn't allow more than one connection, etc.



The obvious resource is MSDN - There is a section entitled Planning for High Activity that covers most of the concepts and will give you the right terminology to then go looking for other resources on the web. As with a lot of Microsoft server products, MSDN also has lots of white papers covering specific BizTalk scenarios.

最优秀的BizTalk书籍还包括有关负载平衡概念的部分(BizTalk Server 2006专业版提供了一个示例).

Most good BizTalk books also include a section on load balancing concepts (Professional BizTalk Server 2006 has an example).


Beyond that, there are several key concepts that you may find helpful, particularly around the use of terminology (some of BizTalk's usage can be misleading).


BizTalk Server具有其体系结构的性质,可以实现负载平衡.这意味着如果您有一个以上的BizTalk主机连接到MessageBox数据库,则数据库中的消息将在BizTalk组中参与的主机之间平均分配. (有关在每个主机中运行的BizTalk进程的配置方面的警告).

BizTalk Server is, by the nature of its architecture, load balancing. What that means is that if you have more than one BizTalk Host connecting to a MessageBox database, the messages within the database will be spread evenly across the hosts participating in the BizTalk group. (with caveats around just what BizTalk processess have been configured to run in each Host).

还有网络负载平衡的概念,它是Microsoft网络负载平衡服务或任何等效服务.在BizTalk中,这适用于Web级别,适用于使用HTTP协议的接收适配器(例如HTTP适配器,SOAP适配器和WCF HTTP适配器).此负载平衡实际上不是BizTalk服务,而是在BizTalk隔离的主机适配器之上提供的负载平衡层,以确保Web资源的高可用性.与其他任何NLB服务的配置相同.

There is also the concept of Network Load Balancing which is Microsoft Network Load Balancing Services or any equivalent service. In BizTalk this applies at the web level, for receive adapters using the HTTP protocol (e.g. the HTTP adapter, the SOAP adapter and WCF HTTP adapters). This load balancing is not actually a BizTalk service but is instead a load balancing layer provided on top of the BizTalk isolated host adapters to ensure high availability of the web resources. It is configured the same as any other NLB service.



When clustering is mentioned in BizTalk it is used to refer to one of two things - clustering at the SQL layer to provide high availability and failover, and BizTalk Host Clustering.

SQL群集-这只是提供运行BizTalk服务器数据库的SQL Server群集(允许进行数据库故障转移)的一个问题(尽管说起来并不容易).这不是BizTalk专用技术.

SQL Clustering - this is simply (though it isn't simple to do, just say) a matter of providing a SQL server cluster that runs the BizTalk server databases, allowing for database failover. This is not a BizTalk specific technology.

BizTalk主机群集-在这种情况下,在BizTalk中创建BizTalk Server主机时将其标记为群集.这是BizTalk特定的设置,它实际上声明一次将只有一个实例在运行主机,并且通过扩展,此主机内的所有资源也将只有一个实例.它主要用于FTP和MSMQ适配器之类的适配器,当允许同时运行多个适配器时,它们的行为将不正确.

BizTalk Host clustering - in this case a BizTalk Server Host is marked as being clustered when creating it inside BizTalk. This is a BizTalk specific setting that essentially states that one and only one instance of the host will be running at a time, and that by extension all the resources within this host will also only have a single instance. It is primarily intended for usage for adapters like the FTP and MSMQ adapters that behave incorrectly when more that one is allowed to run at the same time.


This edit is in response to the OP's comment asking for further details. Hopefully this make things clearer. If you have more questions about specifics I can possibly answer them but this pretty much exhausts my theory knowledge about high availability environment configuration. I'm primarily a BizTalk dev and solution designer, when it comes to network intricacies there are people where I work who fill in the nitty gritty detail and implementation of these designs.



The key point I was trying to express here was that Network Load Balancing in the context of BizTalk is no different for any other Network Load Balancing scenario.

BizTalk具有两种类型的主机,进行中隔离. In Process主机是在服务器上运行的单个BizTalk服务(每个服务器一个主机实例).隔离的主机实际上是Web服务器(IIS)的委托,该服务器处理所有基于HTTP的适配器(HTTP适配器和SOAP适配器以及WCF适配器的某些配置)

BizTalk has two type of hosts, In Process and Isolated. In Process hosts are individual BizTalk services running on servers (with one host instance per server). Isolated hosts are actually delegates to a web server (IIS) that handle all HTTP based adapters (the HTTP adapter and the SOAP adapter plus certain configurations for the WCF adapter)


When you introduce Network Load Balancing to a BizTalk environment what you are doing is intoducing it at the web server layer, for the Isolated host hosted adapters.

这是 NLB简介的MSDN页面.有关NLB的要点之一在页面中的以下引号中表示:

Here is the MSDN page for the introduction to NLB. One of the key points about NLB is expressed in the page in the following quote:

通过设置NLB,您可以允许多个隔离的主机服务器处理定向到单个专用IP地址的Internet通信. NLB配置负责这项工作.

By setting up NLB you allow multiple isolated host servers to handle internet traffic directed at a single dedicated IP address. The NLB configuration farms out the work.


在上面的回答中,我说过某些BizTalk适配器在允许在多个BizTalk主机实例中运行时行为不正确.这是针对适配器的原因,因此,我可以给出的最佳答案是来自 MSDN文档,专门处理FTP适配器.

In my answer above I stated that certain BizTalk adapters behave incorrectly when allowed to run within multiple BizTalk Host Instances. This is very adapter specific in terms of the why, so the best expansion on that answer I can give is the following quote from the MSDN documentation, dealing with the FTP adapter specifically.

正如他们所说,FTP适配器使用不锁定文件的FTP协议.由于BizTalk本质上是高度并行的系统,因此,如果允许多个BizTalk主机托管FTP适配器的实例,则最终将收到在您的BizTalk系统中收到的同一FTP消息的多个副本. BizTalk群集的作用是确保任何群集的BizTalk主机将在 1个且仅1 个主机实例上运行.通过将FTP接收处理程序放置在群集主机中,可以确保:

As they say, the FTP adapter utilises the FTP protocol which does not lock files. Because BizTalk is natively a highly parallel system, if you allowed multiple BizTalk hosts to host an instance of the FTP adapter you would end up with multiple copies of the same FTP message received into your BizTalk system. What BizTalk clustering does is ensure that any clustered BizTalk hosts will run on 1 and only 1 host instance. By placing your FTP receive handler inside a clusterd host, you ensure that:

  • 只要BizTalk主机正在运行,您将始终有一个FTP适配器运行
  • 您永远不会运行多个FTP适配器.

此外,您可以使用BizTalk群集主机来减少系统负载.例如,一个BizTalk SQL适配器接收已配置为轮询的位置,它将在所有主机实例上进行轮询.尽管这不一定会导致多个消息实例,但是它可能会导致您轮询的SQL Server上的负载过大,甚至取决于被调用的存储过程的设计而创建死锁方案,因此对SQL Adapter接收处理程序进行群集可能是一个好主意.

Additionally you can use a BizTalk clustered host to reduce load on a system. For example, a BizTalk SQL adapter receive location that has been configured to poll, will poll on all host instances. While this would not necessarily cause multiple message instances, it could cause undue load on the SQL server you poll, or even create deadlock scenarios depending on the design of the called stored procedure, so clustering the SQL Adapter receive handler can be a good idea.


05-29 13:02