本文介绍了启用TLS 1.2并禁用较低版本的SSL和TLS后,无法连接到BizTalk组的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着小编来一起学习吧!


在禁用较低安全协议版本SSL3.0,TLS1.0,TLS1.1并启用TLS 1.2之后,我无法连接到BizTalk组或使用BizTalk Server.我正在使用的BizTalk Server版本是2013R2.错误如下:

After diabling lower security protocol versions SSL3.0, TLS1.0, TLS1.1 and enabling TLS 1.2, I am not able to connect to BizTalk group or use BizTalk server. The BizTalk server version I am using is 2013R2. Following is the error:

此外,当我启用TLS 1.2而不禁用较低版本时,我看不到任何问题,并且一切似乎都正常工作

Also when I enable TLS 1.2 without disabling the lower versions I don't see any problems and everything seems working fine


Please suggest what can be done to make the server compatible while disabling lower versions


您需要安装 CU 8 ,以及前提条件在BizTalk Server中支持TLS 1.2协议

You need to install CU 8 and and also the prerequisite SQL Server 2012 Native Client version 11 as per Support for TLS 1.2 protocol in BizTalk Server

另请参见 BizTalk:在BizTalk Server上配置TLS 1.2

对于BizTalk 2013 R2,我们还安装了.Net 4.6并更新了BAM连接字符串以使用SQL Server Native Client 11.

For BizTalk 2013 R2 we also installed .Net 4.6 and updated the BAM connection strings to use the SQL Server Native Client 11.

对于使用HTTPS,FTPS或SQL进行的任何操作,您还必须确保BizTalk与BizTalk通信或与BizTalk通信的其他任何端点都能够使用TLS 1.2.

You will also have to ensure that any other endpoints that BizTalk communicates with or that communicates with BizTalk is capable of TLS 1.2, for anything using either HTTPS, FTPS or SQL.

因此,您连接到的任何SQL Server都还必须具有SQL Server 2012 Native Client版本11或更高版本以及.NET 4.5或更高版本.

So any SQL server you connect to also need to have SQL Server 2012 Native Client version 11 or above, and .NET 4.5 or greater.

这篇关于启用TLS 1.2并禁用较低版本的SSL和TLS后,无法连接到BizTalk组的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持!

05-29 11:33