

我正在尝试运行一个LabVIEW程序,该程序不断出现错误,提示它缺少一堆Sub VI.我的大多数子VI都位于一个单独的文件夹中,除了以下一个:NML ALL GPIB vi.我认为其余VI均未运行,因为它们都已连接到该VI,但我不确定.有人可以告诉我在哪里可以下载此特定VI吗?我需要下载特定的驱动程序吗?哪一个?谢谢!

I'm trying to run a LabVIEW program that keeps bringing up an error saying it is missing a bunch of Sub VIs. I have most of the sub VIs in a separate folder except one : the NML ALL GPIB vi. I think the rest of the VIs are not running becuase they are all connected to this one but I'm not sure. Can someone please tell me where I can download this specific VI? do I need to download a specific driver? which one? Thanks!


您丢失的VI看起来像是使用GPIB与仪器连接的界面.该vi似乎由1993年11月由NHMFL-FSU的Scott Hannahs创建.我不确定如何从他的网站上以 LabVIEW库文件.该库看起来包含允许NML ALL GPIB vi运行所需的所有子VI,但是可能需要将它们链接到您的项目中.

Your missing VI looks like it interfaces with instruments using GPIB. It looks like this vi was created by Scott Hannahs, NHMFL-FSU, Nov. 1993. I'm not sure how it appears to be avaliable for download from his site as a LabVIEW library file. This library looks to hold all the subVIs required to allow the NML ALL GPIB vi to run but they may need to be linked into your project.


What is the function of your LabVIEW program? Have you inherited the code or is this a new development? If you need any help with LabVIEW in the future there are several resources you should be aware of.

  1. Info-LabVIEW -一个独立的邮件列表,用于讨论生产的LabVIEW软件通过National Instruments
  2. LAVA -LAVA论坛是由专用的LabVIEW发烧友管理和维护的.
  3. National Instruments -National Instruments开发LabVIEW和各种数据采集硬件
  1. Info-LabVIEW - an independent mailing list to discuss the LabVIEW software produced by National Instruments
  2. LAVA - The LAVA Forums are managed and maintained by dedicated LabVIEW enthusiasts
  3. National Instruments - National Instruments develop LabVIEW and a wide range of data acquisition hardware


05-25 17:13