


I am learning to use LabVIEW as part of my honours project, and was wondering what benefits the graphical programming language has over a textual one?


所有有关设备驱动程序和用户功能的信息. NI(Labview)拥有一组易于使用的,受良好支持的实验室设备驱动程序.测试操作员(不是开发人员)需要带有绿色/红色通过/失败按钮的GUI.我已经在cygwin中通过python实现了复杂的自动化. Labview开发人员能够调用cygwin/python系统并对日志文件进行数据挖掘.所以你可以两者都做. python系统可移植,可维护,可扩展,可用,并且最重要的是,它是免费的.

Its all about the equipment drivers and user capabilities. NI (Labview) has a well supported set of lab equipment drivers that are easily interfaced. A test operator (not a developer) needs a gui with a big green/red pass/fail button. I've implemented complicated automation via python in cygwin. A Labview developer was able to invoke the cygwin/python system and data mine the log files. So you can do both. The python system is portable, maintainable, extensible, usable and best of all, free.


05-25 17:11