我打算在 Apple Store 上发布一个应用程序,然后我才知道 IPV6 拒绝问题.我的应用程序仅支持 IPV4 并且在此 链接 我发现该应用应该支持 IPV6.
I am going to publish an app on Apple Store then I came to know about IPV6 rejection issue. My app only support for IPV4 and on this link I found that app should support IPV6.
所以我的问题是,应用程序是否必须同时支持 IPV4 和IPV6?
So my question is that, Is it compulsory that app must support for both IPV4 & IPV6?
对不起,如果看起来是一个愚蠢的问题,但我正在寻找 Apple 链接 &在被 Apple 拒绝之前的更多细节.
Sorry if looks as a foolish question but I am looking for a Apple link & more detail before getting rejected from Apple.
如果您没有在 Web 服务器/服务 url 连接中设置核心 IPv4 IP 地址,则无需担心 IPv6 支持.
You don't need to worry about IPv6 support, if you've not set hard-core IPv4 IP address in your web server/service url connection.
这份 Apple 文档将帮助您:支持 IPv6-only 网络
This Apple document will help you: Supporting IPv6-only Networks
提交到 App Store 的所有应用程序都必须支持 IPv6-only 网络.大多数应用程序不需要任何更改,因为 NSURLSession 和 CFNetwork API 已经支持 IPv6.但是,如果您的应用使用特定于 IPv4 的 API 或硬编码的 IP 地址,您将需要进行更改.在将您的应用提交到 App Store 以供审核之前,请务必测试 IPv6 兼容性.
All apps submitted to the App Store must support IPv6-only networking. A majority of apps will not require any changes as IPv6 is already supported by NSURLSession and CFNetwork APIs. However, if your app utilizes IPv4-specific APIs or hard-coded IP addresses, you will need to make changes. Be sure to test for IPv6 compatibility before submitting your app to the App Store for review.
但是,Apple 在在纯 IPv6 环境中测试您的应用中提供了指南:
您应该在仅支持 IPv6 的网络上测试您的应用.如果您没有,您可以按照 定期测试 IPv6 DNS64/NAT64 兼容性.
However, Apple guides in Testing your app in an IPv6-only environment:
You should test your app on an IPv6-only network. If you don’t have one, you can set up a test network by following the instructions in Test for IPv6 DNS64/NAT64 Compatibility Regularly.
遵循 SO 参考,遇到类似问题,可以指导您:
Following SO reference, faced similar problem, may guide you:
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