I created a custom Transport agent.
After installation , I have test if it is appplied on email by using Telnet on port 25 to send a email.
使用telnet方法时,电子邮件通过我的代理人,但如果我使用 Outlook 2003发送电子邮件, 未应用传输代理。
When using telnet method, email pass trought my agent but if I use Outlook 2003 to send an email, transport agent is not applied.
My Exchange server is 2010.. What I am missing? some configuration in exchange.
我已在我的服务器上安装Visual Studio,并使用 telnet方法,我能够在我的代码中调试和跟踪。
I have install Visual studio on my server , and using telnet method, I 'am able to debug and trace in my code.
我启用了管道跟踪,并看到来自outlook的电子邮件是 没有传递给我的经纪人。在日志中没有提及。
I have enabled pipeline tracing , and saw that email from outlook are not passing in my agent. No mention in logs.
I installed 2 examples from microsoft and they are not applied to.
在EX 2010中有3种类型....
In EX 2010 there are 3 types ....
- SMTP接收代理实际上只对边缘服务器有用(以及面向Internet的互联网),因为他们只看到传入的SMTP流量,即在端口25上。
- 路由代理在集线器上工作并与Exchange交互以影响地址解析,内容转换,分叉,当然还有路由。
- 交付代理是向其他系统提供非SMTP电子邮件的特殊情况。
您可以100%确定的唯一代理类型将看到所有电子邮件通过虽然(一个中心)Exchange Server是一个路由代理。因此,如果您使用SMTP接收代理从Outlook(通过MAPI)或OWA发送的任何电子邮件,它将无法看到。
The only agent type you can be 100% certain will see ALL email passing though (the hub of an) Exchange Server is a Routing Agent. So if you're using an SMTP Receive Agent any email you send from Outlook (via MAPI) or OWA it simply won't see.