我是 webDevelopment
$ scope.highlightHTML = function(content,startoffset,endoffset,color){
var className ='mark';
返回content.replace(content.substring(startoffset,endoffset),'< span class ='+ className +'> $&< / span>');
就像Lorem Ipsum只是印刷和排版行业的虚拟文本。这是自16世纪以来的行业标准虚拟文本,当时一台未知的打印机采用了一种类型的厨房,并将其制作成样板书,它不仅在五个世纪中存活下来,而且还在电子排版的基础上保持基本不变 / code>
Ajax调用 -
responseData = $ scope.highlightHTML(responseData,item.startOffset,item.endOffset,item.color);
$ rootScope。 data.htmlDocument = responseData.replace(/ \\\
/ g,< / br>);;
var initialLength = responseData.length;
var updatedLength = 0;
if(index == 0)
responseData = $ scope.highlightHTML(responseData,parseInt(item.startOffset),parseInt(item。 endOffset),item.color);
$ scope.highlightHTML(responseData,parseInt(item.startOffset)+(updatedLength - initialLength),parseInt(item.endOffset)+(updatedLength - initialLength), item.color);
updatedLength = responseData.length;
$ rootScope.data.htmlDocument = responseData.replace(/ \\\
/ g,< / br>);;
$ (文档).ready(函数(){var text =Lorem Ipsum仅仅是印刷和排版行业的虚拟文本.Lorem Ipsum自从16世纪以来一直是业界标准的虚拟文本,当时一台未知的打印机采用了一种类型的厨房并且它拼凑成一本类型的标本书。它不仅存活了五个世纪,而且还延续了电子排版,基本保持不变; var initialLength = text.length; var updatedLength = 0; var startoffset1 = 15; var endoffset1 = 27; var startoffset2 = 49; var endoffset2 = 64; var startoffset3 = 81; var endoffset3 = 95; console.log(text.substring(startoffset1,endoffset1)); console.log(text.substring(startoffset2,endoffset2)) ; console.log(text.substring(startoffset3,endoffset3)); text = highlightHTML(text,startoffset1,endoffset1,'green'); updatedLength = text.length; text = highlightHTML(text,startoffset2 +(updatedLength - initialLength),endoffset2 +(updatedLength - initialLength),'green'); updatedLength = text.length; text = highlightHTML(text,startoffset3 +(updatedLength - initialLength),endoffset3 +(updatedLength - initialLength),'green'); console.log(text);});函数highlightHTML(content,startoffset,endoffset,color){var className ='mark'; console.log('Inside Function:'+ content.substring(startoffset,endoffset)); return< / span>> $&< pre> < script src =https://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery /2.1.1/jquery.min.js\"></script>
I am new to webDevelopment
. I have string which has some text.Now I want to highlight some words from that text file . So, Here I am using this logic
$scope.highlightHTML = function (content,startoffset,endoffset,color) {
var className = 'mark';
console.log(content.substring(startoffset, endoffset));
return content.replace(content.substring(startoffset, endoffset), '<span class="' + className + '">$&</span>');
Now this is working fine. But Now what happens is when first word gets highlighted and then when It tries to highlight the second word then the strings offsets are getting changed because of this replacing . It takes tag as well so, now offsets are getting changed. now when I highlight some text then next time it should not take offsets of start and end offset of the span tag . SO, How can I do this ?
Its like , "Lorem Ipsum is simply dummy text of the printing and typesetting industry. Lorem Ipsum has been the industry's standard dummy text ever since the 1500s, when an unknown printer took a galley of type and scrambled it to make a type specimen book. It has survived not only five centuries, but also the leap into electronic typesetting, remaining essentially unchanged"
I have this string. Now, I want to highlight when an unknown printer took a galley of
Now, for this I use substring because I get the start and end from back-end itself. I replace only that string with mark tag.
Now The problem is after this immediately,If I want to highlight but also the leap into electronic typesetting
, Then the offset which I got from the backend will not be useful because while replacing the first string I added span tag, so it is taking the span tag offsets as well. So, Its not getting me the exact string by providing the offsets as well. It gives me some another string because offsets has changed. Now, whil highlighting the offsets should not get changed by adding the span tag.
Ajax call -
jsonDataArray.forEach(function (item) {
responseData = $scope.highlightHTML(responseData,item.startOffset,item.endOffset,item.color);
$rootScope.data.htmlDocument = responseData.replace(/\n/g, "</br>");;
解决方案 You can achieve this by using the length of the string using below logic.
I'm adding span to 'simply dummy', 'and typesetting', 'Ipsum has been'
in your text.
what i have done is after the text has been updated after the function call, i am adding the difference between the initial text length and updated text length to the offeset which calling the function again which gives me the exact offsets of the words.
Please let me know whether its works for you.
Updated ajax :
var initialLength = responseData.length;
var updatedLength = 0;
jsonDataArray.forEach(function(item, index) {
if (index == 0)
responseData = $scope.highlightHTML(responseData, parseInt(item.startOffset), parseInt(item.endOffset), item.color);
$scope.highlightHTML(responseData, parseInt(item.startOffset) + (updatedLength - initialLength), parseInt(item.endOffset) + (updatedLength - initialLength), item.color);
updatedLength = responseData.length;
$rootScope.data.htmlDocument = responseData.replace(/\n/g, "</br>");;
$(document).ready(function() {
var text = "Lorem Ipsum is simply dummy text of the printing and typesetting industry. Lorem Ipsum has been the industry's standard dummy text ever since the 1500s, when an unknown printer took a galley of type and scrambled it to make a type specimen book. It has survived not only five centuries, but also the leap into electronic typesetting, remaining essentially unchanged";
var initialLength = text.length;
var updatedLength = 0;
var startoffset1 = 15;
var endoffset1 = 27;
var startoffset2 = 49;
var endoffset2 = 64;
var startoffset3 = 81;
var endoffset3 = 95;
console.log(text.substring(startoffset1, endoffset1));
console.log(text.substring(startoffset2, endoffset2));
console.log(text.substring(startoffset3, endoffset3));
text = highlightHTML(text, startoffset1, endoffset1, 'green');
updatedLength = text.length;
text = highlightHTML(text, startoffset2 + (updatedLength - initialLength), endoffset2 + (updatedLength - initialLength), 'green');
updatedLength = text.length;
text = highlightHTML(text, startoffset3 + (updatedLength - initialLength), endoffset3 + (updatedLength - initialLength), 'green');
function highlightHTML(content, startoffset, endoffset, color) {
var className = 'mark';
console.log('Inside Function: ' + content.substring(startoffset, endoffset));
return content.replace(content.substring(startoffset, endoffset), '<span class="' + className + '">$&</span>');
<script src="https://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/2.1.1/jquery.min.js"></script>