

我正在尝试构建一个正则表达式函数,该函数将删除所有非字母数字字符并删除所有重复字符,例如这个: aabcd * def%gGGhhhijkklmnoP\1223 会变成这样: abcddefgGhijklmnoPR3 。我能够轻松删除特殊字符,但不能为我的生活找出如何删除重复的字符?这是我删除特殊字符的当前代码:

I am trying to build a regex function that will remove any non alpha numeric characters and remove all duplicate characters e.g. this : aabcd*def%gGGhhhijkklmnoP\1223 would become this : abcddefgGhijklmnoPR3. I am able to remove the special characters easily but can't for the life of me work out how to remove the duplicate characters ? This is my current code for removing the special characters :

var oldString = aabcd*def%gGGhhhijkklmnoP\122
var filtered = oldStringt.replace(/[^\w\s]/gi, "");


How can I extend the above regex to check for duplicate characters and those duplicate characters separated by non-alphanumeric characters.


正则表达式是 / [^ \\\\ t] |(。) \ 1 / gi


它使用反向引用来搜索任何字符(。)后跟相同的字符 \1

it uses the backreference to search for any character (.) followed by the same character \1

除非检查重复的字符你的意思是 aaa => a

Unless by "check for duplicate characters" you meant that aaa => a

然后它是 / [^ \\\\ t] |(。)(?= \ 1)/ gi


请注意,两个正则表达式都不区分大小写。 A == a ,所以 Aa 是重复。如果您不想要它,请从 / gi

Be aware that both regexes don't distinguish between case. A == a, so Aa is a repetition. If you don't want it, take away the i from /gi


08-20 10:13