


I am new to Python so this question might look trivia. However, I did not find a similar case to mine. I have a matrix of coordinates for 20 nodes. I want to compute the euclidean distance between all pairs of nodes from this set and store them in a pairwise matrix. For example, If I have 20 nodes, I want the end result to be a matrix of (20,20) with values of euclidean distance between each pairs of nodes. I tried to used a for loop to go through each element of the coordinate set and compute euclidean distance as follows:

ncoord=numpy.matrix('3225   318;2387    989;1228    2335;57      1569;2288  8138;3514   2350;7936   314;9888    4683;6901   1834;7515   8231;709   3701;1321    8881;2290   2350;5687   5034;760    9868;2378   7521;9025   5385;4819   5943;2917   9418;3928   9770')
for i in range(0,n):
    for j in range(i+1,n):


How ever, I am getting an error of "input must be a square array". I wonder if anybody knows what is happening here.Thanks



There are much, much faster alternatives to using nested for loops for this. I'll show you two different approaches - the first will be a more general method that will introduce you to broadcasting and vectorization, and the second uses a more convenient scipy library function.

我建议做的第一件事是切换到使用np.array而不是np.matrix.数组是许多原因的首选,最重要的是因为它们可以具有> 2个维,而且它们使按元素乘法变得不那么尴尬了.

One of the first things I'd suggest doing is switching to using np.array rather than np.matrix. Arrays are preferred for a number of reasons, most importantly because they can have >2 dimensions, and they make element-wise multiplication much less awkward.

import numpy as np

ncoord = np.array(ncoord)

通过数组,我们可以通过插入新的单例维度和for循环. rel ="noreferrer">广播对其进行减法运算

With an array, we can eliminate the nested for loops by inserting a new singleton dimension and broadcasting the subtraction over it:

# indexing with None (or np.newaxis) inserts a new dimension of size 1
print(ncoord[:, :, None].shape)
# (20, 2, 1)

# by making the 'inner' dimensions equal to 1, i.e. (20, 2, 1) - (1, 2, 20),
# the subtraction is 'broadcast' over every pair of rows in ncoord
xydiff = ncoord[:, :, None] - ncoord[:, :, None].T

# (20, 2, 20)


This is equivalent to looping over every pair of rows using nested for loops, but much, much faster!

xydiff2 = np.zeros((20, 2, 20), dtype=xydiff.dtype)
for ii in range(20):
    for jj in range(20):
        for kk in range(2):
            xydiff[ii, kk, jj] = ncoords[ii, kk] - ncoords[jj, kk]

# check that these give the same result
print(np.all(xydiff == xydiff2))
# True


The rest we can also do using vectorized operations:

# we square the differences and sum over the 'middle' axis, equivalent to
# computing (x_i - x_j) ** 2 + (y_i - y_j) ** 2
ssdiff = (xydiff * xydiff).sum(1)

# finally we take the square root
D = np.sqrt(ssdiff)


The whole thing could be done in one line like this:

D = np.sqrt(((ncoord[:, :, None] - ncoord[:, :, None].T) ** 2).sum(1))


事实证明,已经存在用于计算所有成对距离的快速便捷功能: scipy.spatial.distance.pdist .

2. The lazy way, using pdist

It turns out that there's already a fast and convenient function for computing all pairwise distances: scipy.spatial.distance.pdist.

from scipy.spatial.distance import pdist, squareform

d = pdist(ncoord)

# pdist just returns the upper triangle of the pairwise distance matrix. to get
# the whole (20, 20) array we can use squareform:

# (190,)

D2 = squareform(d)
# (20, 20)

# check that the two methods are equivalent
print np.all(D == D2)
# True


08-20 03:08