本文介绍了arduino和Visual Studio C ++,2路串行通信的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着小编来一起学习吧!


我正在使用Arduino和Visual Studio c ++,并试图建立双向实时串行通信.我正在使用的是win 10(在VMware Fusion中),32位系统,Visual Studio 2013,Arduino IDE 1.8.0和Arduino开发板Uno.

I am using Arduino and Visual studio c++ and trying to build a two-way real time serial communication.What I am using is win 10(in VMware Fusion), 32-bit system, visual studio 2013, Arduino IDE 1.8.0 and Arduino board Uno.

我使用了 http://playground.arduino.cc/Interface/CPPWindows a>,这是两个文件: SerialClass.h Serial.cpp..我正在使用 readData() WriteData( )功能.

I used the library files from http://playground.arduino.cc/Interfacing/CPPWindows, which are two files: SerialClass.h and Serial.cpp. And I am using readData() and WriteData() function in my main.


I want to run it for few more times, user can give an input in console and Arduino will generate an output accordingly. But when I added the while loop, it doesn't work properly.

下面是我的main.cpp :(注释行中有while循环)

Below is my main.cpp:(with while loop in comment line)

int main() {
    Serial* port = new Serial("COM3");
    if (port->IsConnected()) cout << "Connected!" << endl;

    char data[4] = "";
    char command[2] = "";
    int datalength = 4;  //length of the data,
    int readResult = 0;
    int n;

        for (int i = 0; i < 4; ++i) { data[i] = 0; } //initial the data array

        //read from user input
        //this is where I added while loop
      // while(1){
        std::cout << "Enter your command: ";
        std::cin.get(command, 2);     //input command
        int msglen = strlen(command);
        if (port->WriteData(command, msglen));   //write to arduino
        printf("\n(writing success)\n");


        //read from arduino output
        n = port->ReadData(data, 4);
        if (n != -1){
            data[n] = 0;
            cout <<"arduino: " data << endl;
     // }

    return 0;


and my arduino code:

void setup() {
    // put your setup code here, to run once:

void loop() {
    // put your main code here, to run repeatedly:
    if (Serial.available() > 0) {
        char c = Serial.read();
        if (c == '1')
        else if (c == '2')
        else if (c == '3')



And if I run my code without while loop, I can get what I want:

Connection established!!!
Enter your command: 1
arduino: 10


But when add while loop, it skips asking for an input, and my output becomes:

Enter your command: 1
arduino: 10
Enter your command: arduino:
Enter your command: arduino:
Enter your command: arduino:
Enter your command: arduino:

尝试了一些解决方案后,我认为它可能是buffer data []和command [],在下一次运行之前我没有将其清空.但是我已经尝试过

After trying some solutions, I think it could be buffer data[] and command[] , I didn't empty it before the next run. But I have tried with




But it still doesn't work and skip asking for input. Any suggestion how can I solve it? Thanks!


建议在如何冲洗cin缓冲区?" ,问题出在您的std::cin.get(command, 2);代码之后.多余的字符保留在std::cin中,并在下一次调用时直接重用.第一个额外的字符是'\n'(Enter键),std::cin.get()将返回0.

As suggest that post "How do I flush the cin buffer?", the problem is located after your std::cin.get(command, 2); code. Extra characters stay in the std::cin and be reused directly at the next call. And the first extra character is '\n' (Enter Key) and the std::cin.get() will return 0.


The best solution is to ignore extra characters after getting the command.

std::cout << "Enter your command: ";
std::cin.get(command, 2);     //input command
std::cin.clear(); // to reset the stream state
std::cin.ignore(INT_MAX,'\n'); // to read and ignore all characters except 'EOF'
int msglen = strlen(command);


std::cout << "Enter your command: ";
std::cin.get(command, 2);     //input command
int msglen = strlen(command);

这篇关于arduino和Visual Studio C ++,2路串行通信的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持!

08-19 15:08