


I am trying to understand how to perform an operation when using foreach. For e.g. how can I print element+1 of alist using foreach

scala>alist = List(1,3,5,7)
scala>alist.foreach(println(_+1)) #=> error: missing parameter type...
scala>alist.foreach(println(_).toInt + 1) #=> error: toInt is not a member of Unit


I understand there are alternatives (below) but I am trying if it can be done using foreach.

scala>for(x<-alist) println(x+1)  #=> 2,4,6,8
scala>alist.map(x => println(x + 1)) #=> 2,4,6,8



alist.foreach(x => println(x + 1))


You can't use placeholder syntax inside println since the compler infers it as:

alist.foreach(x => println(x => x + 1))

根据它的扩展法则. println具有类型为Any的参数,因此无法使用plus方法将其绑定到具体类型.

According to it's expansion laws. println takes a parameter of type Any, so it can't bind it to a concrete type with a plus method.

如果您对占位符语法规则感兴趣,请参阅 Scala的隐藏功能

If you're interested in the rules of placeholder syntax, see Hidden features of Scala


You cannot mutate a List[+A] using foreach in Scala, since lists are immutable and foreach return type is Unit. What you can do is project a new list from an existing one using the map transformation:

scala> val list = List(1,2,3,4)
list: List[Int] = List(1, 2, 3, 4)

scala> val plusOneList = list.map(_ + 1)
plusOneList: List[Int] = List(2, 3, 4, 5)

如果查看foreach的签名,则会看到它具有一个函数:A => Unit,该函数采用类型A的元素并向后投射单元.此签名是副作用方法的标志,并且由于list是不可变的,因此对我们没有帮助.

If you look at the signature for foreach, you see that it takes a function: A => Unit, which takes an element of type A and projects back a Unit. This signature is a sign for a side effecting method and since list is immutable, that doesn't help us.


If you used a mutable list, such as ListBuffer, then you could use side effects for population:

scala> val listBuffer = mutable.ListBuffer[Int]()
listBuffer: scala.collection.mutable.ListBuffer[Int] = ListBuffer()

scala> (0 to 4).foreach(x => listBuffer += x)

scala> listBuffer
res10: scala.collection.mutable.ListBuffer[Int] = ListBuffer(0, 1, 2, 3, 4)


07-29 20:12