My app used to work perfectly fine. Recently I updated eclipse (the plugins), and now I am getting this error. I have not changed my code so I know it should continue to work. but it does not. I am using the google eclipse plugin, which the updates changed to version 8.
基本上,我仍然可以看到在Android项目的一切。在 gcm.jar
Basically I still see everything in the android project. the gcm.jar
is still there for example. And my manifest has not change. I can keep listing stuff but it would just be more words. Bottom line: It used to work fine.
只是增加了@ athor的回答,就像你说的,你的一切更新。它是你的Android SDK工具更新到最新的22这是一个已知的问题版本,这已被讨论过很多次的可能性很高。你可能想看看下面的线程和<一个href=\"https://plus.google.com/photos/117122118961369445953/albums/5878509263473846433/5878509268379848162?pid=5878509268379848162&oid=117122118961369445953\"相对=nofollow>图片。
Just adding to @athor's answer, as you said that you updated everything. Its a high possibility that you updated android SDK-tools to latest version 22. This is a known issue and this has been discussed many times. You might want to check out following threads and picture.
Android SDK工具的更新版本后,应用程序崩溃(NoClassDefFound,工具版本22)
ERROR :java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError的:android.support.v4.content.LocalBroadcastManager
The picture and thread will help to find the exact location where to make changes.Hope this helps.