本文介绍了朋友方法“未在此范围内声明”在C ++中的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着小编来一起学习吧!



First to provide some context, this is for an assignment involving semaphores. We are to find code for the dining philosophers problem, get it working, and then perform some analysis and manipulation. However, I am stuck with an error.

使用C ++解决方案。

The original code is taken from http://www.math-cs.gordon.edu/courses/cs322/projects/p2/dp/using the C++ solution.

我在Code :: Blocks中收到的错误是

The error I am receiving in Code::Blocks is

philosopher.cpp|206|error: 'Philosopher_run' was not declared in this scope|


and this error occurs in the line:

if ( pthread_create( &_id, NULL, (void *(*)(void *)) &Philosopher_run,
         this ) != 0 )


I have looked up the pthread_create method but have been unable to fix this error. If anyone could explain how to correct this error to me, and also why this error is occurring, I would greatly appreciate it. I have tried to provide only the relevant code.

class Philosopher
    pthread_t   _id;
    int     _number;
    int     _timeToLive;

    Philosopher( void ) { _number = -1; _timeToLive = 0; };
    Philosopher( int n, int t ) { _number = n; _timeToLive = t; };
   ~Philosopher( void )     {};
    void getChopsticks( void );
    void releaseChopsticks( void );
    void start( void );
    void wait( void );
    friend void Philosopher_run( Philosopher* p );

void Philosopher::start( void )
// Start the thread representing the philosopher
    if ( _number < 0 )
    cerr << "Philosopher::start(): Philosopher not initialized\n";
    exit( 1 );
    if ( pthread_create( &_id, NULL, (void *(*)(void *)) &Philosopher_run,
         this ) != 0 )
    cerr << "could not create thread for philosopher\n";
    exit( 1 );

void Philosopher_run( Philosopher* philosopher )



A friend declaration does not make the name of the friend visible without argument-dependant lookup.

§[命名空间。 memdef] p3

意思是应该放置 void Philosopher_run(Philosopher * p); ,或者在类之前(连同 Philosopher 的前向声明)一起,或者在类之后(同时将朋友声明保留在类中)。

Meaning that you should put void Philosopher_run( Philosopher* p ); either before the class (together with a forward declaration of Philosopher), or after the class (while keeping the friend declaration inside the class).

这篇关于朋友方法“未在此范围内声明”在C ++中的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持!

07-23 06:50