exec xp_cmdshell 'dir "D:\Data\GS Products" /AD /S /B'
这与我尝试过的数据上的其他所有文件夹一起使用,但不适用于我要使用的数据.我使用admin God privs登录,已完成sp_configure
This works with every other folder on data that I have tried but not with the one I am trying to use. I am logged in with the admin god privs, I have done the sp_configure
to enable cmdshell and I have used this with other folders that have spaces in the name. Is it permissions? And if so, how can I check that? When I look at the properties of the folder it says the admin account has FULL permissions. Any help would be greatly appreciated.
Well, didnt get much help this time, but maybe I did it wrong..anyway, I had to add the SQL Service account pemissions to the folder I was doing the command on. Even though I was logged in with the top admin login, it did not work until I added the permissions to the folder/subfolders.