

我需要使用libcurl和C ++将一个庞大的文件从本地机器传输到远程机器。有没有任何压缩选项可用内置libcurl。由于要传输的数据量很大(大小为100 MB到1 GB),因此如果我们在libcurl本身中有任何这样的选项会更好。我知道我们可以压缩数据并通过libcurl发送它。但只是想知道是否有任何更好的方式这样做。

I need to transfer a huge file from local machine to remote machine using libcurl with C++. Is there any compression option available in-built with libcurl. As the data to be transferred is large (100 MB to 1 GB in size), it would be better if we have any such options available in libcurl itself. I know we can compress the data and send it via libcurl. But just want to know is there any better way of doing so.


Note: In my case, many client machines transfer such huge data to remote server at regular interval of time.




根据和选项 CURLOPT_ENCODING ,您可以指定:

According to curl_setopt() and options CURLOPT_ENCODING, you may specify:

是一些示例(只需在您的浏览器中点击搜索,然后键入 compression ),但我不知道热完全是否工作,以及它是否期望已经gzip压缩的数据。

Here are some examples (just hit search in your browser and type in compression), but I don't know hot exactly does it work and whether it expect already gzipped data.

a href =http://php.net/manual/en/function.gzcompress.php =nofollow> gzcompress() 并发送压缩块自己(我将这样做任务...你将更好地控制实际发生了什么,你将能够改变使用的算法)。

You still may use gzcompress() and send compressed chunks on your own (and I would do the task this way... you'll have better control on what's actually going on and you'll be able to change used algorithms).


09-22 08:01