我一直在试图通过将libcurl.a添加到我的Xcode 7.2项目来消除对libcurl.4.dylib的任何依赖。我已经构建了一个全新的libcurl,并将它放置在/ usr / local / lib(头/ in / usr / local / include / curl):
./configure --disable-shared --with-darwinssl
make clean
make install
虽然我将libcurl.a添加到我的XcodeLink Binary with Libraries构建阶段,但是Xcode的-lcurl的生成的链接命令是告诉链接器默认为
在每个文件的基础上打开/关闭-static / -dynamic(如果链接器
一旦我改变了(在MANUAL shell链接行中)Xcode生成的-lcurl显式地/usr/local/lib/libcurl.a,链接的.app不再显示对libcurl.4.dylib的依赖。
Xcode来做到这一点 - 除非我用不同的名称复制libcurl.a。
也许其他人知道magicparams / build选项为Xcode 7.2,或有更多的洞察力,但我想离开这里,以防任何人遇到这个问题与libcurl - 或任何其他静态(.a)库,其中碰巧是一个
./ configure --prefix = $ HOME CFLAGS = - arch i386 x86_64LDFLAGS = - arch i386 x86_64--disable-shared --with-darwinssl --without-zlib --without- libidn --disable-ldap
make clean
sudo make install
我试过SMGreenfield建议的方法,它没有为我工作。原因之一:该库不能在通用环境中使用,因为文件 curlbuild.h 对于每个体系结构都不同。将此作为来源
I had been trying to eliminate any dependency on libcurl.4.dylib by adding libcurl.a to my Xcode 7.2 project. I had built a brand-new libcurl and placed it in /usr/local/lib (with the header in /usr/local/include/curl):
./configure --disable-shared --with-darwinssl
make clean
make install
But the .app was STILL linked with a dependency on libcurl.4.dylib. Finding out why took several days.
Although I am adding libcurl.a to my Xcode "Link Binary with Libraries" Build Phase, Xcode's generated link command of -lcurl is telling the linker to,by default, link with a DYNAMIC library. The linker will NOT accept-static as a prefix to -l, because the CLANG driver doesn't supportturning on/off -static/-dynamic on a per-file basis (if the linker does see -static, it expects that EVERYTHING is static — which Apple STRONGLY DISCOURAGES).
Once I changed (in a MANUAL shell link line) the Xcode-generated -lcurl to be explicitly "/usr/local/lib/libcurl.a", the linked .app no longer showed a dependency on libcurl.4.dylib.
What sucks is that it appears there is no easy method to do this throughXcode — unless I make a copy of libcurl.a with a DIFFERENT NAME.
Maybe others know the "magic" params / build options for Xcode 7.2, or have more insight, but I wanted to leave this here in case anyone else ran into this issue with libcurl -- or any other static (.a) library where there happened to be a dynamic (.dylib) of the same name in the same location.
EDIT: This is the command line(s) I used to build the universal static library:
./configure --prefix=$HOME CFLAGS="-arch i386 x86_64" LDFLAGS="-arch i386 x86_64" --disable-shared --with-darwinssl --without-zlib --without-libidn --disable-ldap
make clean
sudo make install
I tried the approach suggested by SMGreenfield and it did not work for me. One of the reasons: the library cannot be used in the universal environment because file curlbuild.h is different for each architecture. Using this as a source https://curl.haxx.se/mail/lib-2015-08/0146.html, I did the following. Have not been able to do a lot of testing yet, but the library compiled without error "curl_rule_01 declared as an array with negative size".
- Build 64-bit static libcurl:
Download CURL source file to: /Users/yourname/Libs/.
Create folder /Users/yourname/Libs/curl_64.
Type in Terminal:
$ cd /Users/yourname/Libs/curl-7.52.1
$ export CFLAGS="-arch x86_64"
$ export LDFLAGS="-arch x86_64"
$ ./configure --prefix=/Users/yourname/Libs/curl_64 --disable-shared -–enable-static --without-libidn –-without-zlib -–disable-ldap
$ make clean
$ make
$ make install
- Build 32-bit static libcurl:
Create folder /Users/yourname/Libs/curl_32.
Type in Terminal:
$ cd /Users/yourname/Libs/curl-7.52.1
$ export CFLAGS="-arch i386"
$ export LDFLAGS="-arch i386"
$ ./configure --prefix=/Users/yourname/Libs/curl_32 --disable-shared –-enable-static --without-libidn –-without-zlib -–disable-ldap
$ make clean
$ make
$ make install
- Create universal libcurl:
Create folder /Users/yourname/Libs/curl_universal/lib.
Lipo two static libraries:
lipo -create /Users/yourname/Libs/curl_32/lib/libcurl.a /Users/yourname/Libs/curl_64/lib/libcurl.a –output /Users/yourname/Libs/curl_universal/libcurl.a
Copy all subfolders from /Users/yourname/Libs/curl_64 to /Users/yourname/Libs/curl_universal except for subfolder lib!
In folder /Users/yourname/Libs/curl_universal/include/curl copy file curlbuild.h and save as curlbuild64.h. Copy this file from folder /Users/yourname/Libs/curl_32/include/curl to folder /Users/yourname/Libs/curl_universal/include/curl and save it as curlbuild32.h. Now we should have three files: curlbuild.h, curlbuild64.h, and curlbuild32.h.
- Open file curlbuild.h and edit as follows:
这篇关于为什么向xcode 7.2示例项目添加静态libcurl.a将添加libcurl.4.dylib依赖项的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持!