


Starting with an absolute file path, I want to obtain the following information:

  1. 存储文件的文件系统的挂载点(以计算相对于挂载点的路径)
  2. 文件系统的UUID和标签
  3. 包含分区的硬盘驱动器的类型(或供应商名称)和序列号

我知道在许多情况下(例如,对于环回,ramfs,加密设备),2和3可能是未定义的,这完全没问题. 我还知道如何使用外壳程序和系统工具(如df/sys/proc文件系统)获取该信息.请参见以供参考.

I am aware that 2 and 3 may be undefined in many cases (e.g. for loopback, ramfs, encyrpted devices), which is totally fine. I also know how to obtain that information using a shell and system tools like df and the /sys or /proc filesystem. See this question for reference.

但是,我正在寻找使用Python 3.5以编程方式做到这一点的最简单的方法.这意味着:

However, I am searching for the least cumbersone method to do that programmatically with Python 3.5. That means:

  • 首选系统调用,而不是解析/proc/sys的内容(可能会更改还是取决于内核配置?)
  • 避免调用子流程并解析其输出(繁琐的定义)
  • Prefer system calls instead of parsing contents of /proc or /sys (which may be subject to change or depend on kernel configuration?)
  • Avoid calling subprocesses and parsing their output (the definition of cumbersome)


So far, I am using os.stat() on the path to get the block device's major and minor number from stat_result.st_dev. But what's the proper way to proceed?


  • /proc/mounts
  • /proc/partitions
  • /sys/dev/block/<major>:<minor>
  • /proc/mounts
  • /proc/partitions
  • /sys/dev/block/<major>:<minor>


Notes:Regarding mounted block devices an partitions, /proc/mounts and /proc/partitions seem to be the canonical information source (which is OK). For UUIDs, labels, serials etc. I currently use udevadm and parse the output:

def get_udev_properties(dev_name):        
    cmd = ["udevadm", "info", "--query=property", "--name", dev_name]
    result = subprocess.run(cmd, stdout=subprocess.PIPE)
    return parse_properties(result.stdout)


  • 相对于linux系统调用和内核文件系统,块设备的规范标识或表示形式是什么?
  • 以大号和小号获得代表的正确方法是什么?
  • 获取有关块设备的详细信息的正确方法是什么?



This is a script on GitHub I came across earlier today that uses Python to fetch information about drive make and model (and lots of others).

/proc/partitions保存有关分区的信息;有关更多详细信息,您将必须像现在一样运行子流程,或者例如对于GPT 自己解析.

/proc/partitions holds info on partitions; for more detailed information you'll have either to run a subprocess as you do now, or for example for GPT do the parsing yourself.


11-02 22:57