本文介绍了怎么做才像"netstat -p",但是速度更快?的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着小编来一起学习吧!


"netstat -p"和"lsof -n -i -P"似乎都重新链接了fd的所有进程,例如stat /proc/*/fd/*.

Both "netstat -p" and "lsof -n -i -P" seems to readlinking all processes fd's, like stat /proc/*/fd/*.


How to do it more efficiently?


My program wants to know what process is connecting to it. Traversing all processes again and again seems too ineffective.


Ways suggesting iptables things or kernel patches are welcome too.



Take a look at this answer, where various methods and programs that perform socket to process mappings are mentioned. You might also try several additional techniques to improve performance:

  1. /proc 中缓存文件描述符,并在.这是通过链接的答案中提到的程序完成的,但是仅当您的过程持续超过几秒钟时才可行.
  2. 您可以尝试 getpeername() ,但这需要您知道可能的方法端点以及它们映射到什么进程.您的问题表明您正在本地连接套接字,您可以尝试使用 Unix套接字,它允许通过将 SO_PASSCRED 传递给setsockopt().看一下这些例子(它们很讨厌,但我能找到最好的).
  1. Caching the file descriptors in /proc, and the information in /proc/net. This is done by the programs mentioned in the linked answer, but is only viable if your process lasts more than a few seconds.
  2. You might try getpeername(), but this relies you knowing of the possible endpoints and what processes they map to. Your questions suggests that you are connecting sockets locally, you might try using Unix sockets which allow you to receive the credentials of a peer when exchanging messages by passing SO_PASSCRED to setsockopt(). Take a look at these examples (they're pretty nasty but the best I could find).
    • http://www.lst.de/~okir/blackhats/node121.html
    • http://www.zanshu.com/ebook/44_secure-programming-cookbook-for-c-and-cpp/0596003943_secureprgckbk-chp-9-sect-8.html


My personal recommendation is to just brute force it for now, ideally traverse the processes in /proc in reverse numerical order, as the more recent and interesting processes will have higher PIDs, and return as soon as you've located the results you're after. Doing this once per incoming connection is relatively cheap, it really depends on how performance critical your application is. You'll definitely find it worthwhile to bypass calling netstat and directly parse the new connection from /proc/net/PROTO, then locate the socket in /proc/PID/fd. If all your traffic is localhost, just switch to Unix sockets and get the credentials directly. Writing a new syscall or proc module that dumps huge amounts of data regarding file descriptors I'd save for last.

这篇关于怎么做才像"netstat -p",但是速度更快?的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持!

10-27 16:51