Bit of background, I'm writing a program that plays the game "boxes" it runs in linux command line and is written in C. There's a prompt that waits for user input and then is read with fgets() and interpretted etc.
作为任务说明的一部分,如果到达等待用户输入时文件结束,我必须返回一个特定错误。我知道fgets()到达EOF时会返回null ...但是说我有
As part of the task specification I have to return a specific error if I reach "End of file while waiting for user input". I understand that fgets() returns null when it reaches EOF... but say I have
在提示循环中,如果用户过早退出,请说用CTRL + C或CTRL + D表示输入== NULL吗?
in a prompt loop if the user exits prematurely say with CTRL+C or CTRL+D does this mean that input == NULL?
Can I even detect when a user does this with fgets?
Just trying to get my head around this, thanks in advance for any help.
(OS: UNIX)(Compiler: gcc - c90)
从, fgets
A newline character makes fgets stop reading, but it is considered a valid character by the function and included in the string copied to str.
A terminating null character is automatically appended after the characters copied to str.
将在用户输入CTRL-D(文件末尾)或时返回,当 \n
(换行符)。 CTRL-C默认情况下会 完全终止程序。
So, fgets
will return when the user inputs CTRL-D (end-of-file) or, when a \n
(newline) is encountered. CTRL-C will by default terminate your program entirely.
If you'd like to catch CTRL-C, and exit gracefully, you could:
#include <signal.h>
void intHandler(int dummy) {
//graceful CTRL-C exit code.
int main(void) {
signal(SIGINT, intHandler);
//your code