在Python中使用 os.stat()时,可以我假设st_ctime总是小于或等于st_mtime?如果没有,为什么不呢?
When using os.stat() in Python, can I assume that st_ctime is always less then or equal to st_mtime? If not, why not?
The code will always run on Linux, but if there is a difference between OSes, that would be good to know.
There are some situations in which this assumption could prove invalid (and would depend very much on the OS implementation):
- 时区.如果您在UTC + 4中创建文件,然后在当前时区为UTC-8,并且操作系统未在幕后使用所有时间戳的情况下对其进行修改,则修改后的时间会更少超过创建的时间.对于现代操作系统(Windows,OSX,BSD之一或Linux)具有mtime<在这种情况下为ctime.
- 重置操作系统时间.这可能会影响创建这种情况的修改时间.我要说的是,您的mtime<在这种情况下,ctime不会受到操作系统的投诉,假设文件系统驱动程序中没有检查以避免这种情况.
- 通过系统调用修改时间.同样,文件系统驱动程序可能已进行检查,以避免发生诸如此类的异常情况.
Both of these are reproducable: your best bet is to take a variety of operating systems that you plan on targeting and testing this behaviour. All I can provide is speculation.
也,st_ctime不一定是创建的时间",而是上一次状态更改"的时间(源). utime
的成员.因此,如果操作系统和文件系统允许,则ctime在技术上有可能超过mtime. os.stat
Also, st_ctime is not necessarily the "created time", but rather the time of the "last status change" (source). utime
marks the ctime
of the file to be updated (source) and it's parameter of type "utimbuf" has no member for ctime
. So it is technically possible for ctime to be a time past mtime if the operating system and filesystem permit it. The os.stat
documentation actually mentions this:
Whilst Python hides a lot of the C side of things, os.stat
and friends are all built upon the same base C system calls so the specification for them is a great place to look for more information.
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