This is my first post so please bear with me.
I''ve been using magicJack for a couple of months now and I like it except for the annoying Call window that pops-up every time you make or receive a call.
我的问题是:如何找到该窗口并将其隐藏?我的直觉是,与C#相比,用C ++更好地完成这项工作.也许我很天真,但我认为C ++应用程序会更小,更快.
My question is: how do I find that window and hide it? My gut feeling is that this job is better done in C++ than C#. Maybe I''m naive but I think a C++ app would be smaller and faster.
Any suggestions would be much appreciated...
基本上,首先尝试使用找到FindWindow(NULL,windowTitle)以获得其 HWND ,然后将其用于 ShowWindow(hWnd,SW_HIDE)或 MoveWindow(hWnd,& ; someRectOffTheScreen)或 SetWindowPos(hWnd,& someRectOffTheScreen,someOtherMagicFlagsToKeepItReallyHidden)或所有这些!
Basically, first try a FindWindow(NULL, windowTitle) to get its HWND and then use that one to either ShowWindow(hWnd, SW_HIDE) or MoveWindow(hWnd, &someRectOffTheScreen) or SetWindowPos(hWnd, &someRectOffTheScreen, someOtherMagicFlagsToKeepItReallyHidden) or maybe all of them!
But none of those can guarantee that the app doesn''t bring itself back in a timed loop or something.