我注意到,在多处理环境中使用sqlite3时,它并不是真正的功能,也不可靠.每个进程尝试将一些数据写入同一数据库,以便多个线程使用一个连接.我使用check_same_thread = False选项进行了尝试,但是插入次数是非常随机的:有时它包含所有内容,有时不包含所有内容.我应该只并行处理函数的一部分(从Web上获取数据),将其输出堆叠到一个列表中,然后将它们全部放入表中,还是有一种可靠的方法来使用sqlite处理多连接?
I noticed that sqlite3 isn´t really capable nor reliable when i use it inside a multiprocessing enviroment. Each process tries to write some data into the same database, so that a connection is used by multiple threads. I tried it with the check_same_thread=False option, but the number of insertions is pretty random: Sometimes it includes everything, sometimes not. Should I parallel-process only parts of the function (fetching data from the web), stack their outputs into a list and put them into the table all together or is there a reliable way to handle multi-connections with sqlite?