


In the following example, I designate a local variable #input to multiple radio buttons. When clicking the <tr> I want to select the radio button inside.


And the following code works fine, but I don't understand why.


How can Angular2 "know" which input I'm refering to when ALL of them have the local variable#input?


  <tr *ngFor="let office of employee.offices" (click)="selectOffice(input)">
    <td class="select-office-radio">
      <input type="radio" name="office" #input />


selectOffice(input) {
   input.checked = true;



As Bhushan said, ngFor is a structural directive so it's a shortcut for a template-based structure. In short, it can be desugared into the following in your template:

<template ngFor let-office [ngForOf]="employee.offices">
  <tr (click)="selectOffice(input)">


The way to define local variable for templates is the following:

  • 添加前缀let-.例如,let-office将定义一个变量office.
  • 如果未定义值,则将使用模板上下文中的$implicit条目的值.就ngFor而言,它是迭代中的当前元素.此处:let-office.
  • 您还可以指定一个值.例如,如果要为循环中的索引定义变量:let-i="index".在这种情况下,变量i将包含相应的值.
  • Add the prefix let-. For example, let-office will define a variable office.
  • If you don't define a value, the value of the $implicit entry in the template context will be used. In the case of ngFor, it's the current element in the iteration. Here: let-office.
  • You can also specify a value. For example, if you want to define a variable for the index in the loop: let-i="index". In the case, the variable i will contain the corresponding value.

关于用#前缀定义的变量.如果它们所应用的元素不是组件,则它们对应于DOM元素.如果是组件,则对应于该组件.例如,<input #input/>中的input对应于ElementRef,并且可以通过其nativeElement属性访问DOM元素.

Regarding variables define with the # prefix. They correspond to a DOM element if the element they apply on isn't a component. If it's a component, it corresponds to the component. For example, input in <input #input/> corresponds to an ElementRef and the DOM element can be accessed through its nativeElement property.

您还可以为此类变量指定一个值.在这种情况下,您可以选择应用于元素的特定指令.例如<input #ctrl="ngModel" [(ngModel)]="val"/>.该值对应于指令声明中exportAs属性中指定的值:

You can also specify a value for such variables. In this case, you can select a specific directive applied on the element. For example <input #ctrl="ngModel" [(ngModel)]="val"/>. The value corresponds to what is specified within the exportAs attribute in the directive declaration:

  selector: 'child-dir',
  exportAs: 'child'
class ChildDir {

  selector: 'main',
  template: `<child-dir #c="child"></child-dir>`,
  directives: [ChildDir]
class MainComponent {


08-24 18:56