



Let me know if this is possible. If not could you please suggest how I can test this code.




The /app/__init__.py is where my application (a Flask application if it helps) is started along with initializing a database connection object to a MongoDB database:

# ...

def create_app():
  # ...
  return app

db_conn = DB()


The some_module1 and some_module import the db_conn object and use it as part of their functions:

## some_module1/__init__.py
from app import db_conn

db = db_conn.db_name2.db_collection2

def some_func1():
    data = db.find()
    # check and do something with data
    return boolean_result


## some_module2/__init__.py
from app import db_conn

db = db_conn.db_name1.db_collection1

def some_func2():
    data = db.find()
    # check and do something with data
    return boolean_result


In my tests, I want to test if my code works properly based on the data received from the database.I want to mock the database, more specifically the db_conn object since I don't want to use a real database (which would be a lot of work setting up the environment and maintaining it).


Any suggestions on how I can emulate the db_conn?


I've been exploring pytest-mock and magicmock but I don't think or know how to mock the db_conn in my test.



I believe you are right not testing cases on a real database because it's not unit testing anymore if you are using external dependencies.

有可能指定return-value 并对其进行自定义(对于MockMagicMock对象,每次迭代甚至返回不同的返回值).

There is a possibility to specify return-value and customize it (different return values on each iteration even) for Mock or MagicMock objects.

from unittest.mock import Mock, patch

from app import db_conn

def test_some_func1(db_con_mock):
    assert ...

请记住,在每个patch中,您都应指定db_conn的导入路径-使用db_conn **的路径(我假设每个测试中的路径都不相同) ),而不是它的定义位置.

Keep in mind that in each patch you should specify the import path of db_conn - the path where db_conn **is used (I assume it's a different path in each test), not where it is defined.


08-03 20:30