


I have a simple controller with a GET handler that accepts an object to bind request parameters:

public class SampleController {

    public SomeResponse find(RequestParams params) {
       // some code


RequestParams 是一个简单的POJO类:

The RequestParams is a simple POJO class:

public class RequestParams  {

    private String param1;
    private String param2;

    // constructor, getter, and setters


Everthing工作正常,但我想摆脱设置者,使对象不可变为公共使用。在 @RequestMapping 处理程序方法直到Spring 5.0.2,我们读到

Everthing works fine, but I would like to get rid of the setters to make the object immutable to public use. In the documentation for @RequestMapping handler method up to Spring 5.0.2, we read thatpossible valid method arguments are:

是否有可能以某种方式覆盖默认的Spring Boot配置,以便请求参数使用反射而不是使用setter绑定到类属性?

Is it possible to somehow override the default Spring Boot configuration so that request parameters are bound to class properties using reflection and not with setters?



In the later versions of Spring's documentation, the quoted statement has been rephrased and no longer contain information about binding request parameters directly to fields.


除了JSON注释建议b y @jihor你可以尝试使用自定义,将以下代码添加到控制器或类跨越多个控制器的功能。

In addition to JSON annotations suggested by @jihor you can try to use custom Web Data binder, adding following code to your controller or to Controller Advice class to span functionality across multiple controllers.

public void initBinder(WebDataBinder binder) {


08-15 12:59