嘿,我有一个简短的问题.我正在尝试采用我编写的一堆代码,然后复制/粘贴10次..并将其转换为函数.我仍然在努力传递2D数组和指针.我有通过以下方式传递 square 2D数组的函数:
void createTrans( double orig [ 3 ], double (* rot)[ 3 ], double (* transform)[ 4 ]){ for ( int i = 0 ; i< ; 3; i ++){ for ( int j = 0 ; j< ; 3; j ++){ transform [i] [j] = rot [i] [j]; 如果(j == 2 ){ transform [i] [j + 1] = orig [i]; } } } transform [ 3 ] [ 3 ] = 1 ; transform [ 3 ] [ 0 ] = transform [ 3 ] [ 1 ] = transform [ 3 ] [ 2 ] = 0 ; }
double LG[100][66]; ifstream LGFile("mtlength\\LG.txt", ios::in); if (LGFile.is_open()) { stringstream iss, isn; string line, word; i=0; j=0; while (getline(LGFile,line)) { isn.clear(); isn << line; while (getline(isn,word,''\t'')) { if(j==(66)) {break;} LG[i][j]=atof(word.c_str()); j++; } j=0; i++; isn.clear(); } } LGFile.close();
所以我的问题很简单.如何将我的LG矩阵(n x m)传递给函数作为指针,可以通过文本文件填充它.也许我只是假设double (*rot)[3]
Hey guys, I had a quick question. I''m am trying to take a bunch of code I wrote and then copy/pasted 10 times.. and turn it into a function. Passing 2D arrays and pointers is still something I''m struggled with. I have functions that pass square 2D arrays in the following way:
void createTrans(double orig[3], double (*rot)[3], double (*transform)[4]){ for (int i=0;i<3;i++){ for (int j=0;j<3;j++){ transform[i][j] = rot[i][j]; if (j==2) { transform[i][j+1] = orig[i]; } } } transform[3][3]=1; transform[3][0]=transform[3][1]=transform[3][2]=0; }
Now here is the code I am trying to make into a function:
double LG[100][66]; ifstream LGFile("mtlength\\LG.txt", ios::in); if (LGFile.is_open()) { stringstream iss, isn; string line, word; i=0; j=0; while (getline(LGFile,line)) { isn.clear(); isn << line; while (getline(isn,word,''\t'')) { if(j==(66)) {break;} LG[i][j]=atof(word.c_str()); j++; } j=0; i++; isn.clear(); } } LGFile.close();
So my question is fairly simple. How do I pass my LG matrix (of n x m) to a function as a pointer where it can be filled via the text file. Maybe I am just assuming that the double (*rot)[3]
declaration specifies a 3x3 but it doesn''t. Any help on this would be much appreciated.