说我从一个仓库的URL做了一个git克隆。我对文件做了一些修改,做了一次git commit。
当我做一个git pull的时候,我看到它说已经是最新的 p>
有没有一些方式来区分我的本地回购和远程回购之间有什么区别? (如果我只想回忆一下我以前的话)?
>我的第一个建议是不是之后, code>,你将得到: say I did the change above to my local repo, but do not commit for 2 days, but before the 2 days are up, someone else had made a change to the remote repo. What steps must I do to ensure I am not overriding changes in the remote repo or at least be able to pull the latest changes before committing?
Is there some way to diff between my local repo and the remote repo to check what differences there are? (in case I just want to recall what I had before?)
- git commit: commit your changes on your own branch, totally unrelated to what's going on in remote repositories.
- git fetch origin: get the contents of the remote repository (origin), but keep them under origin/branch branches. Your own code is unaffected at this point.
- git merge origin/master: merge origin/master which is the master branch of the remote repository origin (which you fetched just now) with your current branch.
- git push origin: push back the commit and the merge to the remote repository
- git fetch origin: update origin/branch branches.
- git diff origin/master: get the difference between your current branch and the branch origin/master.
Assuming no activity by somebody else in the remote origin, there is nothing new to fetch. So git fetch origin master tells you there is nothing new.
If you do git merge origin/master, again, there is nothing to merge. origin/master is a prefix of master. In other words, master already contains all the commits that origin/master has, so there is nothing new to merge.
A - > B - > C - > D - > E - > F
| \- master
\- origin / master
Say I did a git clone from a url for a repository. I made some changes to a file, did a git commit.
When I do a git pull, I see that it says "Already up-to-date"
Shouldn't it show something that says I am not up to date?
My question is:
My first advice is to not git pull. Do a git fetch followed by a git merge.
To answer your zero'th question: In fact, you are up-to-date. You have all the commits that the remote repository has. So, there is nothing left to fetch or merge.
To answer your first question:
To answer your second question:
Suppose this is what the commits in your repository initially look like, on branch master:
A -> B -> C -> D -> E | |\- master | \- origin/master
This is right after you cloned the repository. Now you say you have made a new commit on your local branch master:
A -> B -> C -> D -> E -> F | | | \- master | \- origin/master
So there are two things to observe here.
If you had used fetch and merge instead of pull, you could easily understand which part of the double-command (pull) is the one that results in unexpected (in your opinion) behavior.
Of course, after a git push origin master, you will get:
A -> B -> C -> D -> E -> F | |\- master | \- origin/master