去年我创建了一个框架,用于在WinC中以MVC风格开发类似国际象棋/棋盘格的游戏。我现在正试图将此框架移动到UWP / XAML(接近WPF)。我有一些使用XAML的经验,但想知道创建UI的最佳方式是什么。
在XAML中没有PictureBoxes所以我需要提出另一种方法。一个想法是使网格具有多个单元格/面板/类似。理想情况下,每个单元应具有背景颜色(即黑色或白色),然后可能是所讨论的部件的图像(例如,王或典当)。然后,images / cells / panels / ...需要可拖动,以便可以在棋盘上移动棋子。请注意,检查板可以具有不同的长度,例如4 * 9的正方形,并且长度在Constants类中设置。换句话说,Grid / similar必须在代码隐藏中设置其行数/列数。
Hi all,
Last year I created a framework for developing chess/checker-like games in WinForms, in MVC style. I am now trying to move this framework to UWP/XAML (close to WPF). I have some experience with XAML, but wonder what the best way to create the UI would be.
In my WinForms project I had a 2D array of PictureBoxes, which the player could move around using the built-in drag'n'drop functionality.
In XAML there are no PictureBoxes so I need to come up with another approach. One idea is to have a Grid with a number of cells/panels/similiar. Each "cell" should ideally have a background color (ie black or white) and then possibly an image of the piece in question (eg king or pawn). The images/cells/panels/... then need to be draggable, so that the pieces can be moved over the checkboard. Note that the checkboard can have different lenghts, such as 4*9 squares, and that the lengths are set in a Constants class. In other words, the Grid/similar must have its number of rows/columns set in codebehind.
Any ideas of how I should do this? I don't need the math, just what controls to use and perhaps how to create them dynamically in codebehind and to be able to perform drag'n'drop.
Many thanks!
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